Chapter 15

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Coming out into the fresh air after being cooped up with a hundred sweaty legion was a balm over the confused wound that was her mind. She didn't understand at all why Valefar had been so cagey about her desire to learn self-defence but she intended to find out why.

"My Queen!" A feminine voice snapped her out of thoughts and she turned to the left to see an ebony-skinned woman with an enormous, incredible afro run up to her. Her ethnicity was difficult to discern, her features a mix of asian and african.

"Uh, yes?" She spied the two horses tied to a wooden post behind the mysterious woman.

"My name is Iknaya, my Queen. I'm to be your bodyguard." She bowed her head and Perci saw the hilt of what looked like a Japanese katana strapped to her back in a beautifully ornamental sheath. She wondered whether her family had roots from that region of the world.

"I wasn't aware I needed one." She answered.

"The risk to your life is minimal within Undercity's borders, but not non-existent I'm afraid." Iknaya stood straight and Perci spied the various daggers at her hips and thighs. The demon was a one-woman arsenal.

"I take it Lucan sent you?" Perci sighed, at once exasperated and feeling a begrudging fondness for her mate.

"My family have been bodyguards for the loved ones of the powerful for multiple generations. The King thought it wise to assign me to you as I am closer to you in age than many others fit for the role."

"Well I suppose I'd be a bit of an idiot if I turned down protection in an unfamiliar place." She smiled finally.

"It's my honour to serve, my Queen." This time Iknaya bowed low and Perci barely refrained from yanking her upright.

"If we're going to be seeing a lot of each other, then please, call me Perci."

"I couldn't possibly-"

"I insist." She waved away any further arguments over the formality.

"Then... Perci." Iknaya said uncomfortably. "If you please, I've brought a quicker mode of transportation for us to use today."

Her new bodyguard gestured to the two horses who were roped loosely to the post.

"I should probably tell you that I've never ridden a horse before." Perci said nervously as they walked to the beautiful creatures and she gently stroked the horse's nose.

"Oh wow, I'm sorry, I didn't know." Iknaya stammered and Perci laughed at the lost expression on her face.

"Is that strange?"

"Uh no, I suppose not for humans. However, all demons grow up knowing how to ride. In Gehenna it's the only mode of transportation if you don't have wings or portals in close proximity."

"I guess that means you're about to give me my first lesson." Perci eyed the horse in front of her with an unsure onceover.

"I can lead your mare for the time being, but we should schedule in some proper lessons as soon as possible." Iknaya said, and she quickly dropped the stirrups on the horse in front of her. "If you'd please put your foot here and your hands here..." She directed. "Then jump up and swing your leg over."

Perci's heart beat fast with nerves even though she knew there was nothing to be frightened of. It was only a horse. She repeated that mantra through her mind as she did as she was told. Surprisingly, she was soon sitting atop the mare in an upright but noticeably uncomfortable position. Iknaya in comparison mounted her own horse and looked the complete opposite.

"We'll go slow for now, your mare knows to follow mine. Keep your thighs strong, give her gentle kicks if you feel her slowing and move naturally with her movements."

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