Chapter 13

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The first step outside the plane was blinding and for a moment she saw nothing but white. Then, once her eyes adjusted, she latched onto the most exquisite sight she'd ever seen. Lucan stood at the bottom of the stairs. Clad in only black jeans and a tight grey t-shirt, his demon form was perfectly accentuated. His hair ruffled around his horns in the gentle breeze and his beautiful wings were stretched wide. When her gaze finally reached his face she felt a tingle in her eyes that signalled a rush of tears. An overwhelming feeling of relief and joy crashed into her and combined with the need to embrace him, Perci rushed down the stairs.

Almost immediately after beginning her descent, Lucan whirled into action and caught her body as it jumped into his arms. Whilst his beautiful mate had been breathing him in, he had been doing the same. Her demon form had rendered him speechless, she was outstanding in every way imaginable and now feeling that body warm and alive in his arms, he could barely stop himself from squeezing her too tight.

They stood there together in a tight embrace. His body and mind settled as if the storm clouds that had been raging in his soul suddenly dissipated. Though his mate had gained some height with her transformation he still towered over her and he pressed a cheek to the side of her head to maintain a constant contact with as much of her body as possible.

Perci forced herself to stop crying by reminding her stupid emotions that she was with her soulmate now, but it took a few minutes before she was ready to draw away from him. When she did, Lucan cupped her cheek and brushed away the tears. An action that almost made more spring forth.

"Why do you cry?" Lucan asked in a hushed soft tone, so that only she would be able to hear him. With the way his wings curled around them both and how close their faces were to each other, it was as if the small runway ceased to exist.

"I'm-" She swallowed and smiled up at him, "I'm just so happy to see you."

With those words, the paper-thin grip he had on his control evaporated and he fused their mouths together in a scorching kiss. His arms wound around her body, bringing her closer to his body heat. Instinctively, Perci's arms reached up and around his neck and in one smooth movement she jumped up with so his hands had to cradle her behind to keep her there. Minutes later, when she was sure she'd pass out from the pleasure his kiss caused, she broke away with a gasp. Lucan's mouth trailed down her neck, his sharp demon teeth nipping as they went. The feeling caused shivers to dance across her body even though she was burning hotter than fire. A soft bite to her earlobe made her breath hitch.

"We should stop before I put more brands on you."

His voice rumbled in her ear.

Remembering what happened last time he'd done that, she drew away to look into his molten amber eyes. The relief she felt at keeping her brands through her death and transition was overwhelming at times, but she was surprised that it seemed he wanted to place more upon her. Her only hesitation was that she wanted it to happen in a more intimate setting. It was something important and she wanted this time to be something they shared instead of something thrust upon her.

"Okay." Her breathy tone was a contradiction to her agreement to stop, and a smirk stretched his mouth, making him look devilishly handsome.

He kissed her once more and let her body slide down to the ground. His hand immediately enveloped hers, needing the skin on skin contact to function with a clear head. She smiled at him and stepped out from the cocoon of his wings to find Zagan and Abaddon standing nearby waiting chatting to each other.

"Lucan." Zagan bowed his head in greeting.

"Zagan, good of you to come. We'll catch up later on the progress of that new settlement." His words were a gentle dismissal, but Zagan didn't seem to mind.

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