Chapter 1; Stupid Surfboard!

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I was at the beach with my bestfriend Camille. We surfed, tanned and talked. STT. that's what we usually does. I had something to tell her but I didn't knew when the time was right.

We were silent for a moment, but it wasnt that awkward silent who often is between to quiet people. It's just like we sent thoughts to each other instead of talking.

"so.. I guess I have to tell you this, but mom is sending me to LA for 5  weeks, because she means I don't behave well.." I said slowly. "what?! isn't your mom sober?"

I looked at her. "sorry. wrong word. What I ment to ask was.. uhm . isn't your mom ok? ok what so ever! She can't send you to LA!" I sighed.

"I guess she can"

3 weeks later.

I guess this is it. I'm leaving Gold Coast for Los Angeles. Where all the bitchy, celebrities is. I mean, its not that I hate all celebrities, like Billy Unger. He's hot. whatever, I'm probably going to stay at a total boring family.

Mom said I will meet a family on the airport. A family on five. A mom, A dad, A girl and two boys. I really hope they live near the beach, because if not, i'm seriously dead.

anyway, I walked to the gate. They wasn't boarding the plane yet. I sat down at a black chair. I've never seen the people who sat around me before, even tho I knew almost everyone in Gold Coast.

(A/N: I dunno if they have an airport in Gold Coast but lets pretend! And yeah, I know i've said she doesn't trust people and all that, but even if she knew the whole world she wouldn't trust any of them)

finally they let us in to the plane. I gave the lady my boarding ticket and walked in the long gate. When I got inside the airplane there wasn't many people yet. I found my seat and sat down. Within 30 minutes we were in the air. I took my iPod on shuffle and fell asleep.

7 hours later

"We'll be down on the ground within 7 minutes so I want everyone to take your seatbelts on and take your chair backs up. Phones, iPods, MP3 and things like that has to be turned off. I hope everyone had a good flight and thank you for traveling with Mcair airlines. Enjoy your vacation and we hope to see you again. Thanks for the attention" said the stewardess over the speakers.

I woke up and did what she said.

and exact 7 minutes later we were at the ground. I walked out of the plane and got my luggage. I was searching for the family but I didn't saw them. I walked a bit longer and sat down. I heard someone say my name and I turned around.

I saw someone I didn't want to see. at all. never again. "Hi Dessii" Cody said. ugh. he used the name. I hated it. Cody used to call me that when we were 4 years old. like, why is he still using that?

I was speechless. Why, after all these years, talked Cody to me at an airport?

wow! weird end! but i'm in trouble so I have to go!

what do you think? :***

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