Chapter 13; Destiny Chanel Brown...

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Cody's pov: 

I'm so nervous right now. I'm about to tell my best friend what I really feel for her. What if she doesnt feel the same? 

I looked her in the eyes. "Destiny Chanel Brown, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled. "of course Cody" 

I'm so happy! She said yes. I finally got the perfect girl. I'm not gonna screw this up. 

I hugged her. This is amazing. 

Destiny's pov: 

"Destiny Chanel Brown, will you be my girlfriend?" 


He hugged me. 

The most amazing boy in the whole world, who i've had a crush on for years, just asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend. Is this real life? 

We walked off stage and Alli hugged me. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOURE GONNA BE MY SISTER IN LAW" She shouted and hugged me again.

A lot of people said congratulations and stuff. Cody held my hand.

It's December 26th now.. in a week i'm going back to Australia. That thought made me sad and I guess Cody saw that.

"whats wrong?" he said and looked at me. 

"its nothing Cody, I promise"  He looked at me with doubt. "Des, i'm not stupid. i've known you long anough to know when something is wrong. Tell me. i'm your boyfriend. you can trust me" he said and kissed my temple.

"you know i'm going home January 4th right?" 

He nodded. "i know, but we can do this" 

We just stood there hugging for a long time before walking to the others. We danced all night long, every thing is perfect.


*4am the same night* 

I ran to the toilet. I couldn't help it, everything i've ever eaten came out of my mouth. 

I started to cry. I hate puking. I thought about what i've eaten the last week. A cupcake. nothing more. 

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I took an apple. I can do this without puking. The strange thing is that I can't eat anything at all. 

I took a bite and swallowed. I could feel myself getting fatter. I ran to the toilet and made my self puke. 

why did I do this?

I fell asleep on the floor on the bathroom.

Angie's pov: 

I woke up by some sounds from Destinys bedroom. I walked into her bedroom and found her asleep at the floor. 

I feel so sorry for her, but it's nothing i can do. She won't let me help her. 

I woke her up, and I walked her to the bed. 

"is everything ok?"I asked her. She started crying. "no" 

I hugged her and she said "I know that I should feel better now, i mean since I have a beautiful boyfriend, a great family who cares about me.. but.. I ate a bit of an apple earlier tonight and I could feel myself getting fatter Angie. That feeling is terrible. I hate it. Why is this happening to me?" 

"i'm so sorry Destiny, but if you would let me help you, I will" 

She smiled at me and mouthed thank you. "ok, but don't tell Cody" she said. 


woooow weird ending. hehehhe

thanks for the votes! ;)) 


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