Chapter 4: you have nice eyebrows

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Alli's pov:

Cody walked after Destiny and left me and Billy here. Alone. On the blanket under the stars. Everything just happened so quick. There was an awkward silent between us. But after a while Billy broke the silent. 

"so, I heard you are in a new movie?" He said and smiled. I grinned. "yes, just a little thing but it's a start" He nodded. I looked at his hands. Even his hands are beautiful. I noticed that he looked in my eyes when he talked to me. Maybe he felt the same as I do? no he's probably just being nice. 

"Alli.." he said and took my hand. "I don't know how to say this but..." omg he's about to tell me that he just like me as a friend. " I really like you, like more than a friend" Is Billy actually saying this or am I dreaming? omg. He blushed like crazy, and i'm pretty sure I did too. 

I just stared into his eyes. "i-i- like you too" he smiled and kissed me. 


"what the?" Cody said. I saw tears in his eyes. I blushed. "Cody are you crying?" Billy asked. "no" 

I got up and walked after him. "Cody?! Whats wrong?" I shouted after him. He just ignored me. "it's probably nothing, he's just having a bad night" Billy said and hugged me.

I liked his hugs. After a while Destiny came running home. Then I understood everything. They had a fight. She ran up to her room. Mom came out. "what is wrong with Destiny and Cody? they walked past me without answering my question" I looked at her. 

"you should probably go speak to Cody, I have no idea whats wrong" 


1 month later. 

Destiny's pov: 

From Mom: hey, i'm sorry for being drunk all the time. I'm going into rehab so you have to live with Angie and Brad for the rest of the year. Love mom 

To mom: i'm glad you're going into rehab! thanks! and ok. 

I'm staying with Cody the rest of the year. why me? yup that's right. We haven't talked yet. The less we see each other the more my feelings for him starts to grow. yup thats right. I have secret feeling for him. Not even Alli knows about it. speaking of her, she's with Billy. I love seeing her happy, I havent seen her this happy since she dated Jake back in Australia.

I walked downstairs. "hey honey, want some food?" Angie asked. "nehh, i'm not hungry!" she looked at me and sighed. I'm not eating alot anymore. i've went from 120 pounds to 100 pounds. 

Angie was worried about me and I knew that, but I just shrugged it off. "thanks for letting me stay out the year" I said. She gave me a hug. "no problem" 

Alli was out on a date with Billy. Cody was probably out somewhere, and i'm here. home. 3 days before christmas. This will be my first christmas in years and i'm not happy. Christmas is a sad time for me but Angie told that I can't avoid it. 

after a while Alli came home. "How was the date girl?" I asked her. She grinned. "AMAZING" She gave me the details. 

I asked her who she have bought christmas presents to. "you, Cody, mom and dad, Tom, Sophie, Ruby, Madison and Billy + my grandparents" she smiled. "oh, i've only bought something to you" I smiled. 

" You didn't need to do that Des. I know that christmas is a hard time for you" she gave me a hug. 

"wanna see a movie?" 

"yes. what about Titanic? I need to cry right now" I laughed. She laughed too and we watched Titanic  and slowly driftet to sleep. 

thanks for reading <3

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