Chapter 14; life is perfect

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1 week later

Destiny's pov: 

 Everytime I look myself in the mirrror, everything I see is a fat, little girl with an ugly face. Cody tells me it's not true, a part of me believes it, but the other part is stronger.

I stood infront of the mirror looking at myself. Why did God give me this body? 

People tells me that i'm not fat, but I can't really see it, I guess its the anorexia who does that, yup. we went to the doctor and he told me I have anorexia..

I haven't told Cody about it yet, and it bothered me, but I never found the right time to tell him. I love him, I really do! 

"Hi beautiful" he said and opened the door. "hi" I answered smiling. "what are you doing?" he asked and walked up to me. "just chilling" I answered. 

I sighed. "what's wrong?" "I don't want to leave you" 

yup, in 4 days  i'm leaving the gorgeous America and goes back to live with my grandparents.

dull right? Of course I love my grandparents, but they are just so old you know? 

I nodded. "well, i guess its ok" I said and he took my hands.

"don't worry, we'll stay strong! I'll call you everyday, i'll skype with you everyday, I'll visit you as often as I can and youll visit me as often as you can! the distance wont destroy us, I love you Destiny" He said and before I could answer his soft lips were on mine. 

gahhh his lips <3

"Destiny can I borr..... wow. sorry. uhm" Alli said awkward. We pulled away and looked at her. "yeah sure, what do you want to borrow?" I asked laughing, trying to put her mind on something else.

"uhm, you know the top from CIVIL?" she said and walked into my closet, I followed her. "THIS ONE" She shouted when she found it. 

"haha, yes of course" I said and hugged her. She hugged back and walked out of the room. Before she walked down the stairs she shouted 

"don't make any babies! i'm too young to be an aunt" 

oh gosh Alli, you know how to make things awkward.

Cody looked at me and smiled. "what are you smiling at?" I asked.

He didn't say anything but took my hands again. "nothing" 

I looked him in his beautiful aqua eyes. And then, again I felt his lips at mine. 

The best feeling in the whole world. Gosh i've waited 13 years to feel his lips. 

All I can say is that life's perfect 


little part, but it's an upload <3


I used to be crazy about you (A Cody Simpson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now