Chapter 5; Kylie Jenner! [part 1]

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// i dont hate Kylie //

Destiny's pov: 

"ey girl are up for some beach boys?" Alli said and jumped on my back. "ouch Alli youre heavy" I joked. She faked a tear. I laughed as got up from bed and walked into our bathroom. I locked the door and took a quick shower. I blow dried my hair and found some underwear and a bra. 

 I walked out of the bathroom and into my walk in closet. Alli is probably in her room getting ready. I found my blue bikini and a pair of white shorts. I took a pink tank top over and walked into my room. Alli stood there watching tv. She weared a blue thank top with a pair of white shorts. 

 "are you ready?" She asked smiling at my outfit. "yes! lets go watch boys surf" I shouted and linked my arms with hers and we headed to the beach. 

-- Codys pov--

Destiny and I havent talked since the night at the beach. I'm feeling bad for everything I said to her. "Hi boo" a voice said. I turned around and saw Kylie. "hii" I said. I didn't knew how to react. She's a good girl but she's not my type. Kylie think we are together. but it's ok. I need a girl who actually cares now.

"wanna go to my house boo?" she asked and kissed my cheeks. "yeah why not" I said and took her hand. "but what about the paparazzies?" 

She laughed, "its ok boo they wont see us!" I shrugged it off and we walked to her house


Short part but im sick so therefore I havent checked the grammar and stuff.

please give me some ideas i'm stuck

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