chapter 9

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Destiny's pov:

I walked a little bit on the beach before I headed home. 

"Hey you!" Someone said. I couldn't tell who. I turned around and saw some boys. I've knever seen them before so I continued walking. "ey stop! We just want to talk, get to know you better" they said.

I ignored it. I took my phone out of my pocket and pretended I texted someone. "If you don't stop we'll be coming after you" 

I continued, but it was a bad idea. Someone grabbed my arm and turned me around. "oh so youre being naughty?" one of them said. His hair was red-ish. He was tall and muscular. 

I just stared at them in shock. "please don't do me anything! I don't know you" I said. "we won't do you anything if you are a nice girl" the other one said and touched my cheek. His hair was black and he was tall but not as muscular as the other one. 

"please let me go" I said. I felt the tears down on my cheek. "Just come with us, lets have a good time together! the house isn't far from here" the blonde one said. 

I didn't answer them. Why can't Cody just come around the corner and save me? 

"Good girl. Come with us" they said and I walked after them. I had no choice. I cried. 

Someone called me. I pushed something and I hope it was the right button. "where are we going?" I asked them. "To our house, but unfortunately Joe here, has a job to do so he has to go" the red haired dude said and pushed, Joe, away.

He took my hand and walked quick. Before I knew it we were infront of his, or I think, his house. He pulled me inside. "Here's my room. I'll go change. Just wait inside here. 

I took my phone up. I looked at it. "gosh Cody. Help me!" I heard someone running. "Hi, omg Destiny! What's wrong?" He shouted. "shhhhhhh! I'm in serious danger! please come get me" I said. I was scared. Why am I being 'kidnapped'? and its my birthday! 

"yes of course, where are you? who took you?" Cody was stressed. "in Bevirly Hills, a big brown house with a big red christmas tree on the outside" 

(A/N; I dunno if it is a house like that in Bevirly Hills but just pretend)

"i'll be there" he said. I heard someone coming. "I have to go Cody" I said.

Cody's pov: 

It's getting late and Destiny is not home yet. She's supposed to be at her own party at 9pm, and now it's 6pm. I called her. She answered. I heard some guys talking. 

"good girl. come with us" 

I heard crying. Omg. something's wrong.  I ran into Alli's room, I didn't hang up tho. 

"Alli listen! Destiny's in danger. Alli's eyes grew bigger. "shh" I said and we listened to the conversation. 

"where are we going?" I heard Destiny say. "To our house, but unfortunately Joe here, has a job to do so he has to go" a man voice said. 

It was quiet for a long while. "What is happening Cody? I'm scared! We have to find her" Alli said. She had tears in her eyes. I put my phone on Alli's makeup table and hugged her. "it'll be fine. We just have to find out where she is" 

"Gosh Cody! Help me" I heard Destiny say. I ran to my phone. "Hi, omg Destiny! What's wrong?" I shouted. I was really stressed. I hope she'll tell me where she is. "shhhhhhh! I'm in serious danger! please help me" she answered. She almost whispered. 

I assumed that she had to whisper so the boy wouldn't hear her. 

"yes of course, where are you? who took you?" I whisper-shouted. I'm really stressed now. What if he hurts her?  "in Bevirly Hills, a big brown house with a big red christmas tree on the outside" she answered. 

I looked at Alli, she recorded the conversation on her phone. 

"i'll be there" I  said. I heard someone coming. "I have to go Cody" Destiny said and hung up.

I ran down to mom and dad. "CALL THE POLICE DAD! DESTINY IS IN DANGER" I screamed. 

"calm down Cody, what do you mean?" 

I told them everything and Dad called the police.

I hope she's ok........



lol i hope Destiny will be ok! 

lololololololol :) THANKS FOR READING

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