Chapter 18; LAST CHAPTER

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Jake's pov: 

What have I done? I'm so freaking stupid. She slapped me, and ran away crying. 

I'm such an asshole. I called her. No answer. I sent her a message. 

come on! you'll have to talk to me sometime! 

She didn't answer. I walked downstairs and found Poppy in the livingroom. "where's dad?" I asked. 

"outside" she said and continued with what she did. I walked outside. "dad? can I talk to you?" 

"sure son" 

He sat down at the coach we had outside. I joined him. "i'm a freaking asshole dad" 

He looked at me, and I continued "you know Destiny? she's together with Cody you know.. and uhm yesterday at the beach party I kinda.. uhm..." 

I looked at him. "I kinda kissed her, and now she won't talk to me" 

I burried my head into my hands. 

"why did you kiss her Jake?" 

I shook my head. "i dunno" 

Dad sighed. I know he's not proud of me. 

Cody's pov: 

"Cody whats wrong?" Alli said. I sat in the same chair as earlier. I've broke up with Destiny. 

"I-I broke up with Destiny" I muttered. She looked at me in shock. "but, Cody I thought you loved her?! why?" 

She sat down in the other chair and looked at me. I love how we can talk about this without getting awkward, most siblings cant do that. 

but you know, Alli is my bestfriend. 

"she.. cheated." 

"WHAT? That doesn't sound like the Destiny i've known for 14 years! I, i'm shocked. I'll call her" 

and before I could answer she was gone. 

Mom, Tom and Dad came into the livingroom. "hey! Happy Birthday Cody" Tom shouted and hugged me. I hugged him back, hiding my tears. 

"happy 16th" mom said and hugged me. We walked to the kitchen and dad took the cake out of the fridge. 

I looked at it. I don't want cake right now. This is the most terrible birthday ever. 

I tried to smile, but it just looked fake... No one can ever imagine how much i'm hurt.

Destiny's pov; 

I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. fuck life. what's the point with living now? 

Cody won't talk to me. He won't let me explain. 

I found some clothes and put them on. I looked at myself in the mirror. 

ugly. whore. fat. 

I went downstairs. Grandma and Grandpa is out doing some grocery shopping. I found a knife and pressed it again the skin on my wrist. Pain flashed through my body. 

I did it again on an other place. and again. and again. 


2 months later. 

The two last months has been terrible. I haven't talked to Cody yet, and he haven't let me explain. I told everything to Alli, but she said he won't believe that "bad excuse" 

I'm not over him yet. not at all. I still love him, but I guess i'll have to move on.

I'm going to America today, Grandma and Grandpa want to see the world before they dies so we're going to LA. Great.

Cody lives in LA. What if I meet him? 

The scars on my wrist isn't showing that well. I've covered them with bracelets. 

I haven't spoken to Jake either, even tho I meet him at school everyday. 

I've got alot of haters since Cody announced that we broke up.

We only datet for two and a half week. I guess someone's not ment to be forever..

Cody's pov: 

I'm still not over Destiny. I still love her and care about her. She's still my life. 

I've heard some rumours about that she's coming to LA this week. I don't know if I can believe it, and I dunno if I wanna meet her. 

The birthday party was ok, you know I'm glad to be 16 and stuff but Destiny wasnt' there with me.

We only dated for 2 or 3 weeks. I don't remember. Not because I don't care, but because I want to forget. 

because you have no idea what this girl can make me do. 

The last months i've been in studio planning a world tour, making new music and just had fun. 

I've realized that I was the jerk. Jake has told me everything about what really happened, but i've never called Destiny. I'm scared she'll shout at me and get really mad.

Am I hurt? yes. 

but that's life. I guess the world didn't want us together. 


The Sequel is out, so check it out! 


I used to be crazy about you (A Cody Simpson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now