Chapter 17; How Could You?

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I ran to the gate. "the gate is closed" The lady said and looked at me. "i'm sorry" 

no, this can't happen. "let me in please. I have to talk to someone" 

"i'm sorry, the plane is already on the runway" 

what? I didn't make it. I won't see Des before July, when i'm coming to AUS. I haven't told her yet, because I want it to be a surprise.

I turned around and walked back to the car. Tears escaped my eyes as I walked.

Destiny's pov: 

I put my iPod on shuffle and closed my eyes. Within' 5 minutes (haha) I fell asleep. 

** 5 hours later** 

"listen, we are having technical problems so we need to and make an emergency landing. But do not worry, we are right across Sydney and has been given the go-ahead to land., we will even be at the airport in Sydney for about half an hour., we will also to get a little more passengers, so if you have free space next to you have to expect company. thank you for your attention" 

I sighed. Fuck. 

Within' 3 minutes we were at the ground. I walked out of the plane with everyone else and into the airport. It was so many people at the gate. I sat down on a chair and called Grandma. 

"Hey Grandma, our plane had to land in Sydney so it'll take 2 extra hours to get home! See ya there. love you. yeah. thanks, bye" 

I just stared into the air. I thought about everything really. Suddenly someone talked to me.

"Destiny? Is that you?" a voice said. I turned around a looked at Jake. yup Jake Thrupp.

"JAKE! I haven't seen you in forever" I said and hugged him, he hugged back.

"so, how are you doing?" he said. 

"pretty good actually, i've been in USA this year!" 

"Yeah I know! Everyone knows about you and Cody" he said and grinned. I blushed. AWKWARD

"But why are you here in Sydney?" I asked him. "nahh, I did a model job, so now i'm going back to GC" he answered. I looked at him. 

"MODEL JOB? OMG Jake i'm so proud of you" 

He laughed. Jake used to be one of my closest friends to, but ever since Cody and Alli moved we haven't had any contact. 

"The plane is now ready to board" 

A Man voice said. Jake and I walked into the plane together, luckily his seat was with me so we talked the whole way to GC.

Cody's pov, 3 days later.

Des and I has speaked everyday since she left, yeah I know it's only 3 days since she left but It feels like forever. 

She told me she met Jake and that they've surfed together everyday. I felt something in my stomach about that. I think i'm jealous. 

She's my girl, not Jake's. But again, Destiny would never cheat on me.. or would she? Stop it Codes. She wouldn't.

I've been in the studio, writing songs and just chilling. Kylie came over the other day, but I just closed the door before she could even say anything. 


A few days passed by and it's 10th of January. One day until i'm 16. I can't wait. 

I was on my computer, and on twitter when I saw a tweet that catched my eye..

Jake's pov; 

I used to be crazy about you (A Cody Simpson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now