Chapter 7: Christmas

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So this is kinda weird for me to write bc in Norway we celebrate christmas on the 24th, so i'm not used to that opening presents the 25th and in the morning, but i'll do my best. 

Don't blame me if it's not like what's the most normal way to celebrate christmas in USA! ;) 

Chapter 7: 

"DESTINY YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" I heard someone scream. "gosh Alli, calm down. I'm up" I laughed.

Alli had her Cookie Monster Pajamas on and I had my Spongebob Pajamas on. This christmas, will be my first on a long time. It'll be me, Alli, Angie, Brad, Cody, Kylie......, and Tom bc Cody and Kylie is a couple now and she wanted to celebrate with him.

We walked downstairs and saw all the presents. I sat down in a chair and watched Alli jumping around. Wow this girl loves christmas. 

Tom came into the livingroom. "Hi Destiny! Merry Christmas" He said and hugged me. I smiled. Tom's def. the cutest little boy i've ever seen, or he's not so little anymore tho. 

Cody and Kylie came too, and after a few minutes Angie and Brad came. 

"are you guys ready to open your presents?" Angie asked. Brad had the camera ready. Everyone nodded. 

---------------1 hour later ---------------------

I opened my present from Alli. It was two pairs of earrings. a gold owl pair and a pair of diamond earrings. "Gosh Alli! Thank you so much" I said and hugged her. 

I watched Alli open her present from me. I grinned of the smile of her face when she opened it. It was a 1D t-shirt and a gold necklace with a picture of us two in it.

"aww I love this" she said and gave me a hug. Everyone opened their presents. 

Cody got a surfboard, Alli got a new computer (because she broke hers when we were outside at the pool the other day), Tom got a pair of TOMS and the new Batman movie, Kylie got a silver necklace and some other stuff, and I got some clothes and a some makeup.

Angie asked if she could talk to me and I said yes. "Here is a present from your mom. If you want you can open it here and I can go out" I thanked her and she walked back to the living room.

I sat down at the kitchen chair and opened the present. Inside it was the most beautiful necklace i've ever seen, and a letter. I opened the letter and started reading.

Dear Destiny. 

I know i've been a terrible mother, and not a good friend either after your father died. And i'm so sorry. I'm sorry for being drunk all the time but i''m getting better and i've been sober for 2 weeks. After your father died I felt like it was my fault and that I couldn't raise you on my own. Therefore I sent you too the Simpson's for the year. It wasnt easy but I had too.

I've talked to the  Child Welfare and they said I had to be sober for 6 months before you can come back. I want you in my life so i'm doing it. I don't want to loose you Destiny. You means everything to me. 

If you didn't allready understands that means you are staying with your grandparents when you come back on January 4th. They said it was ok so I hope its ok with you. 

I love you so much.

Merry Christmas and Happy early Birthday.


 I felt my eyes tear up. She was really trying. I couldn't wait to go back to Australia and meet my grandparents and Camille again. But at the same time I didn't want to leave Alli. 

I heard someone coming into the kitchen. I turned around and saw Cody. "uhm, Destiny? whats wrong?" He said when he saw my face.

"nothing" I said. This was our first conversation in years, or it felt like it. "but you've been crying" he answered. 

"yeah but, it's nothing really. trust me. It's just a letter from my mom" I said and looked away. I miss our friendship. 

"can I tell you something?" he asked and sat down at a chair. "yeah sure" 

"I miss our friendship" he said. did he read my mind? 


SORRY SHORT CHAPTER -.- I'm so sorry. but it's getting a bit late and i'm tired ;) hehehe

maybe i'll post a BIG chapter this weekend so stay tuned!

thanks for reading!  

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