Chapter 11

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wow.. long time no see. haha not that long. Well, first i'm sorry that I haven't uploaded and stuff.... but i've been busy and my computer haven't been my bestest friend. But anyway, here's the chapter. 


Chapter 11:

Alli helped me getting dressed. So many bad things happened today. I hope this one is a good one. My birthday is almost done, and I haven't got any Happy Birthday or Happy 15th

Maybe everyone forgot? It would be weird since Alli talked to me about my birthday few days ago.

"This is perfect" I heard Alli say. I looked at what she picked out. I'm not very girly, so she didn't found a dress.

"so.. whatcha think?" She said and looked at me. I looked at the outfit. It's cute. I bet Cody will like it.. wait. We're not even dating. shhhh.. i'm not in love with him. Just forget everything i've said. pfth, hehehehe. Ok i'm in love with him. 

But he isn't in love with me. Why would he? I bet he looks at me as his little sister. 

"I'll fix your makeup too" Alli said, again she disturbed my thoughts. 

I nodded. After 20 minutes, plus 5 with fighting over what to do or not, I were finished. 

"You look so beautiful Destiny. I promise!" She said. I hugged her. "So, can you tell me where we're going now?" I asked.

She just ran out of the room laughing. 

I sighed, found my phone and sat down on my bed. I decided to go on twitter. 

@DestinyCBrown: This has been an awful day. I hope tonight will be better @codysimpson @allisimpson. #HappyBirthdayDestiny #FINALLY15

I didn't bother checking my mentions. "You can come down now" Alli shouted from downstairs. 

I walked down and saw Alli. She was all dressed up. Angie and Brad was also dressed up. I gave them a hug. 

I heard footsteps and I turned around.

And there he was. The most beautiufl boy i've ever seen. 

I used to be crazy about you (A Cody Simpson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now