Chapter 15

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Cody's pov: 

I cant describe how perfect Destiny is. She is insecure about herself, that's not good but she can't see how beautiful she is. I tell her everyday!

Alli and Destiny is on starbucks with Madison, so I have nothing to do. I walked downstairs and found my mom in the kitchen.

"hey mom" I said and sat down at the kitchen island. "hey, something wrong?" she asked.

I thought about how skinny Destiny is, not that it is a bad thing, but she is like really skinny. Skinnier than other 15 years old girls..

I looked at mom and sighed. "what's wrong with Destiny?" I asked. Wow that sounded rude, but ofcourse I didn't mean it that way. I love her.

"what do you mean?" mom said and turned around to look at me. "I mean, that she is so skinny, don't eats and gets skinnier every week" I said.

Mom looked at me and opened her mouth to speak.

Destiny's pov: 

"Bye bye Madison! See you later" Alli shouted as we walked out of starbucks. " I can't believe youre going home tomorrow!" she said.

I sighed. "I know" "I really don't wanna leave you and Cody, and specially not now when I need him so much" I said and stopped. I can't believe I said that.

Alli turned around and looked at me. "why do you need  him so much?" she asked. 

"uhm uhm uhm, because he's my bestfriend and boyfriend?" I tryed. She looked at me with doubt. "I don't believe you" 

I walked up to her and whispered. "Ihaveanorexia come on we have to go" I said quick. I can't believe I told Alli that, but I guess she is one of my bestfriends too so she deserves to know.

"you have what?" 


"omg Destiny why haven't you told me?" 

"I dunno, because I was scared" It's true. I am scared. What if it gets so bad that I have to live at the hospital? yup, I'm also scared that Cody will break up with me if I tell him.

"Have you told Cody yet?" Alli asked after a bit. I shook my head. "please don't tell him" 

She sighed and we walked in silence until we came home.


I wen't up to my room to pack my last things. Then I found my phone and went on twitter.

@DestinyCBrown; Can't believe i'm going home tomorrow.. gonna miss USA and all the amazing people i've met. <3 

I didn't bother checking my mentions this time either. Suddenly I felt something in my stomach so I ran for the bathroom. Luckily for me I didn't puke.

"DINNER IN 5" Brad shouted from det kitchen.

I washed my face and walked down the stairs. I sat down at the table and Angie came with the food.

I wasnt very hungry. Cody took my hand and mouthed 'eat please'. I looked at him with a sad face.

I mouthed 'not hungry' 

"uhm I'm sorry Angie, but i'm not very hungry" I said quick and she sighed. "but you have to eat" 

I looked at the plate. Spagetti and meatballs. I took a meatball with the fork and put it in my mouth.

I swallowed. I couldn't hold it. I had to go to the toilet so I ran there.

Cody's pov: 

I used to be crazy about you (A Cody Simpson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now