Chapter 6: Kylie Jenner (part two)

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Destiny's pov: 

"Gosh Alli! I've missed this. Us. On the beach. Surfing and checking out boys" I said as we walked back home. "I know" she answers and hugs me from the side. 

"So. it's christmas tomorrow" Alli said. I nodded. "Its going to be alright Des. If you need to cry, i'll be here for you. And think about it. On December 26th youre 15!" 

"yeah I guess" I said and smiled. We walked into her, or our, house. "Are you hungry?" Angie asked. 

"Yes! I'm starving" Alli said and ran into the kitchen. "I'm not hungry. Sorry, but i'll just go upstairs and take a nap or something" I said and Angie nodded.

I walked upstairs and fell asleep the second I hit the bed. 

--------------------------------------2 hours later ---------------------------------------

I woke up. I Heard voices. A girl voice, and it wasn't a girl who lives here. I walked out of my room and saw Cody and Kylie. "Hello! Who are you?" She said. "uhm, Alli's bestfriend from Australia" I said. Cody looked at me when I said Alli's Bestfriend.

"oh, i'm Kylie" She said and fake smiled. I fake smiled back. I wasn't happy to see Cody with Kylie because the truth is i'm in love with him. I think. Or at least, i'm still having feeling for him. 

"well. I'll just go downstairs and uhm.. eat" I said. "You never eat" Cody said and laughed a bit. I just walked away. 

"so. Cody and Kylie?" I asked Alli. She sat on the coach. I sat down with her. "yaaa, I don't think it's real tho" what did she mean with that? I shrugged it off and took my iPhone out. 

I went on twitter. 

@DestinyCBrown: love being here in LA with my bestie @allisimpson! and i'm soon 15! ahhh <3 

I was getting kinda bored so I went to sleep again. When I walked upstairs I heard kissing sounds from Cody's room. ugh. I didn't need to hear that. 


Short part! sorry! The next one will be longer :) and this one is kinda boring but ya... 

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