Chapter 2: Are you serious?!

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Cody's pov:

Me and my family walked around to find Destiny. Can't believe she is living with us for 5 weeks! I haven't talked to her since.Since, I don't even remember the last time!  We used to be bestfriends, but after I moved to USA and all that, we've never talked. Never. I don't remember how she looks.

I guess i've blocked her out of my life since I didn't wanted to leave her. But what does that means now? She's moving in with us!

After a while I saw her sitting on black bench. I walked up to her. "Hi Dessi!" I said. I used her nickname. It felt wierd, but good. I don't know if she still likes that I use it


She turned around and looked at me. She didn't say anything. Her mouth dropped. I wanted to hug her, but it didn't seem like she was too happy about this meeting. "don't you remember me?" I asked.

She nodded. "I do remember you" wow her voice was different. She was different. Her light blonde hair was now light brown. She was beautiful. But I don't know her. Maybe her personality was changed. Therefore we have to get to know each other.

"Hey Destiny!" Alli said and brought me back from thoughts. Destiny smiled. With her beautiful smile. Wow Cody. Stop now.

But I couldn't. I couldn't take my eyes of her. Her perfect pink lips, pink cheeks and blue eyes. I got snapped out of my thoughts again when mom and dad came up to us.

"Hi Destiny! Long time no see" dad said and gave her a hug. "yeah.. well. What are you guys doing here?" she asked with a strong australian accent. "Haven't your mom told you? you are staying with us these 5 weeks"

Destiny's pov:

"Hi Destiny! Long Time No See" Brad said and gave me a hug. Wow. Everything was so weird. I've just met my exbestfriend who I can't stand and his family. I tried to be polite. It wasn't easy.

The weird thing was, it was just Cody I couldn't stand. Alli, Angie, Brad and Tom was nice, and I love Alli. She was different. Her dark blond, wavy hair was now real blonde and straight.

Cody, wasn't the little kid anymore. He was tall and muscular. He had blonde hair like he always have had, and pink lips. He was kinda cute. Destiny! Stop. You don't like him.

"yeah.. Well. What are you guys doing here?" I asked and tried to smile. "Haven't your mom told you? You are staying with us these 5 weeks"

Australian popstar dad said what? no. no. I can't stay with them. I can't. I can't stand Cody. How am I supposed to be in their house for 5 weeks if I can't stand him? Please jump out and tell me i'm being punk'd.

I waited a few seconds but no camera jumped out. "uhm. no she haven't told me. uhm." I was speechless. I've just met Cody, and now his dad says I'm staying with them.

F*ck my life.

Alli took my hand and said: "This is going to be so much fun! I'm the luckiest person!"

"why?" I asked wondering about why she's the luckiest person. "duhh. I get to be with you next 5 weeks. I promise you. I'll be your bestie!" She laughed. I laughed too.

"Well, we should go" Brad said. I took my luggage up and we started walking. "I can take it for you" Cody offer. No I don't want your smell on it wow. that sounded childish. "er, thanks" I said and he took my bag.


Their house was big. They had dark wooden floor, light walls. The house have two floors. The stairs up to second floor was big. The kitchen and the living room was connected and the bathroom was huge too, Tom's room and Brad&Angies room was on 1st floor. They also had a big porch, which you had to walk through two big glass doors to get to. They had a fireplace, with a tv on. Family pictures hang all around the place.

Upstairs Cody and Alli's room were, it was also two bathrooms and a large open place. It was wall to wall carpet, and a guest bedroom. I've seen the pictures Jake and Cody took a while ago, and it was alot more bigger than on the pictures.

"Alli, can you please show Destiny her bedroom?" Angie asked. "Yes, of course"

Alli and I walked up the big stair. I couldn't help but laugh. "what are you laughing at?"

"well, just the whole house. It's so big. Much bigger than your house in Australia! And it's twice as big as my house" I laughed.

We walked in a door who had the same color as the floor downstairs. When I came into my new room I was shocked. It was a big, white bed with pink bedsheets. The curtains was also pink and it was a light wall to wall carpet. I had my own mirror, and makeup table. I also had my own walk in closet full of clothes.

I could see the beach from the window. Thank God.

I walked into the walk in closet. "Omg. Who owns all this clothes?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. "you"

"seriously? thanks!" I said and looked through the clothes. I can't believe they've bought these to me! I sat down at the bed and Alli joined.

"I'm so glad to see you. When your mom called I said yes without even asking mom. I've missed you. alot Destiny. You never called" Alli said and looked at me. "I guess I just wanted to forget about you and Cody. It hurt when you left, because you left without even telling me"

She was about to say something but Angie shouted "Dinner time"

We walked downstairs and saw what Angie made. It was Spagetthi and Meatballs. "yum!" Alli said and sat down. I sat down beside her. Tom sat down beside me. "And who is this beautiful lady?" he said and kissed my hand. He wasn't at the airport so he don't remember me.

"That's Destiny" Brad said and looked at him. "Well, She's  hotter since I saw her last time" he said and blinked to me. I laughed. "Tom. You are 8. You shouldn't care about girls, you should care about cars, and batman" Alli said and looked at him. "blah blah blah! I guess i'm not a usual 8 years old then" He answered and they started argue.

I could feel Cody's eyes on me but I didn't want to turn my head and look at him. Angie stopped their argue and said Tom had to go to his room. I looked at Alli and I could tell she was proud of that she won the argue. Suddenly she got a text message.

"Destiny, can I talk to you after dinner?" Alli said

New chapter! yeeew! mehe! :)

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I used to be crazy about you (A Cody Simpson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now