Chapter 12

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Cody's pov: 

I am nervous for tonight. I don't know why, but I am. I tied my shoes and walked down the stairs. I heard voices. When I came into the livingroom, all I saw was a beautiful girl. It's Destiny. 

She wasn't wearing a dress, but she still looked beautiful. Her shorts made me see how skinny she actually is. 

She smiled at me, I smiled back. "So, shall we go?" Angie said and everyone nodded. "where are we going?" Destiny asked. Alli whispered something to her, but I couldn't hear what they talked about.

I walked a little bit after the other out in the limo. "Something wrong son?" dad asked me. 

"Naah, we can take it another time, I don't want to ruin Destiny's special night" I answered and smiled. Dad smiled at me at got into the limo, I followed after him.

Destiny's pov: 

"and you'll love it, and omg all your friends will love it, and omg i'm so excited" Alli said. We sat in the limo. Cody talked to his father. I love their releationship.

I can't believe i'm going back to Australia in less than 2 weeks. It made me sad, but I didn't want to tell Alli because Alli is so excited for this family dinner, or whatever we're going too. 

I looked at Cody again. No wonder why I fell for him, he is perfect. His aqua eyes, his blonde hair, his perfect body, his amazing lips. 

Cody looked at me so I turned to Alli. I don't want him to notice that i'm in love with him again. That would be so awkward. 

Finally the limo stopped and we heard screams. "what is happening?" I asked Alli. She just sat there grinning. 

The limo driver opened the door for us and we walked out. Then I saw what was happening. Paparazzi's. Fans. A red carpet. 

On the red carpet there was a lot's of TV cameras. I bet they is here because Cody and Alli is. 

Cody walked up to me. "are you scared?" he whispered in my ear. "I-I, uhm. I. I guess" I answered. He took my hand and walked up the red carpet. 


Cody and Alli talked to some paparazzi's but I didn't really pay attention. We finally walked into the building. It was all dark. Suddenly, I couldn't hear or feel anything or anyone. "Where are everyone?" I asked into the dark room.

Then, without a warning, the light came on and a bunch of people said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DESTINY" 

I smiled. Is all this for me? I can't believe it. 

"Happy Birthday Sis" Alli said and gave me a big hug. "Thank you, but" 

"no but, I wanted to make all this for you" she said and looked at me. "Let's go meet some people" 

I nodded and followed her. Alli was so hyper. We talked to, Billy, Madison Pettis, Hailee Steinfield, Hailey Baldwin, Ross Lynch and a bunch of other celebritys.

"this is amazing Alli" I shouted. The music was so loud so I had to shout if I wanted to say anything at all. She smiled at me. 

Alli ran away talking to Billy. I walked to the table with cakes. They looked so good, but I wasn't hungry and if I took one I'm sure I have to throw up. 

This was my secret. Only Angie knew about my eating disorder. It was a big cake with my face on which said Happy 15th Destiny. and a bunch of cupcakes in all different colours. 

Suddenly someone was on stage. "can I get everyone's attention?" I turned to the stage and saw Cody.

I smiled. He looked at me. I felt someone's hands on my shoulders and turned around to see Matt. He followed me up on stage. 

"Happy Birthday" Cody said and gave me a hug, then he started singing Happy Birthday and everyone joined. 

 When he was finished he gave me a hug and said Happy Birthday again. "Thank you Cody, this is amazing" 

"I have one more thing to ask you Destiny....." he said and looked at me.

what was he going to ask me? if I wanted to be his girlfriend? hah, I can hope..


Sorry for the waiting, thank you for the votes! 


I used to be crazy about you (A Cody Simpson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now