Chapter 8

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so i just wanted to tell ya'll that I've decided that this fanfic will be max 20 parts, because thats easier for me, and you probably bc of my bad english ;) 

Chapter 8: 

I didn't know what to say. Of course I missed our friendship as well. I smiled. "I've missed it too" I said. He looked at me and smiled. "And i'm sorry for everything I said to you that night on the beach. I didn't mean it at all. I'm so sorry" He said. 

"no, i'm the one who should say sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't understand it all, but now, I understand how much you love music and that you couldn't say no" I said and he gave me a hug.

"friends?" I asked. "Bestfriends" He answered. 

-------------------------------------------------------December 26th----------------------------------------------------------

I can't believe this. I've gotten the best birthday and christmas present ever. Cody and I are friends again. no, even better. We are bestfriends! 

I sat in my bed thinking about everything actually. It's my birthday today and i'm finally 15.  I looked at the clock. 07.14am. I was so excited, because Alli said she had something to me. 

I went into the bathroom and took a shower. When I was finished I walked to my walk in closet. I tried alot of clothes and I couldn't find anything that actually fit. I've lost alot of weight so my clothes are to big.

After a little while I found something that looked good on me. (Link in the comments). 

I didn't bother do my makeup. I checked the clock again at it was 08.02am. I walked downstairs to see if someone's up. No body was. I wasn't very hungry so I decided to go outside and get some fresh air. I left a note for Alli and walked out..

Codys pov; 

"babe, you have to wake up. It's 10.00am" Kylie said. She's my girlfriend. Well, Matt wants me to date her because it's good for my fame and it seems like she's... I dunno, in love with me. It's only one problem. I think I have feelings for Destiny..

"no, I dont want to" I said. "whatever" She walked into my bathroom.

shit, it's Destiny's birthday today and I don't have a present for her. I ran into Alli's room and started jumping in her bed. "Alli wake up!"

"whaaat" she said. "IT'S DESTINY'S BIRTHDAY AND I DON'T HAVE A PRESENT FOR HER" I whisper-shouted so she wouldn't hear me.

"relax, i've planned it all" Alli answered. "so tell me"

Alli told me everything about what that would happen tonight and about the presents. I heard Kylie coming into the room so I turned around. Alli looked at her with eyes that could kill.

I poked her. "so what are you talking about?" she said. "uhm, nothing" Alli said quick. I looked at her. Why didn't she tell Kylie about the party? Maybe she wasn't invited.

"I'm hungry" I said and changed the subject. "Me too, I hope your mum likes to cook because I always eat pancakes for breakfast" she said and turned around. I rolled my eyes and followed her.

When we came into the kitchen I noticed a post it note on the wall.

I'm out getting some fresh air - Destiny 

"mom? Didn't you see Destiny's note?" I asked. She turned around and read it. "oh, sorry! I haven't seen it. By the way i'm making pancakes" She smiled.

Kylie was on her phone. I tried to see who she was texting but I couldn't see who it was. "I have to use the bathroom" she said and left her phone on the table. I reached for it.

"Cody" Mom said and looked at me. "what are you doing?"


"you know it's rude to look at others messages Cody" I took Kylies phone and looked at it. "whatever. Just don't do anything you will regret"

I opened it.

To: Kylie 

From: Ron <3

I bet you look beautiful today darling xx miss you!

 I can't believe it. She's cheating on me! I opened another message.

To: Ron <3

From: Kylie

awww youre my boy <3 love you <3 

I heard someone coming so I put the phone back at the table and looked out in the air. Mom came with the pancakes. Alli came down and took a big bite of my pancake. "Why did you do that?" I asked. "I'm hungry" 

She sat down and mom gave her pancakes. "where is Des?" Alli asked. "She's out getting some fresh air" I said. 

"Kylie. I think you have to go now" I said and walked her to the door. "why babe?" she said and looked worried at me. "well.. we have to break up" 

"why?" She tried to hug me. "just go" I put my acting skills on an it looked like I was about to cry. She walked out the door. Before I closed it she screamed "I ONLY DID THIS FOR MY MANAGER. I NEVER REALLY LOVED YOU" 

Yeah sure I thought. "did you just broke up with Kylie?" Alli asked. I nodded. She smiled. Wow. She was really happy about it, but i'm happy too. I'm not in love with Kylie. 

I'm in love with Destiny. 


yaaa! new part ;) heheheheheheehe

i'm busy now so this was a quick chapter (:

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