Chapter 16; I don't want to leave you

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Still Destiny's pov;

I sighed loudly. I don't want to go home. I just want to stay with the simpsons. With Cody, with Alli, with Tom. But I also kinda wanted to go home to see my friends and my grandparents. And the fact that mom is getting better because she don't want to loose me makes me happy.

We walked into the airport. slowly. Cody held my hand the whole way. 

"Mcair airlines to Gold Coast, Australia, gate 23 is boarding now, I repeat Mcair airlines to Gold Coast, Australia is boarding now" 

"that's my flight" I said. I gave Alli a hug. "I'm gonna miss you so much" I said and a tear escaped from my eye. Alli cryed to. We hugged for another minute before I hugged Tom, Angie and Brad. 

"thank you Angie for being so kind to me, and for helping me. You're like my 2nd mom" 

"no problem sweetie" she answered and hugged me once more. 

Then I turned to Cody. I hugged him. "I don't wanna leave you Cody" I said and more tears escaped from my eyes. He cryed to. 

"I don't wanna leave you either babe" 

I looked him in the eyes and kissed him. The kiss lasted for 2 minutes. not that I count...

I don't care about that his family is watching. I love him. 

He pulled away and said "you have to go, or you'll miss your flight" 

I nodded and kissed him once more. "Love you" "love you too Destiny" 

I turned around and walked to the plane. 

Cody's pov: 

I watched Destiny walk into the plane. I don't want her to go, but she has her own family too. 

mom, dad, tom and Alli walked away and let me stay there and watch her. Destiny turned around and waved. Her eyes were teary. I waved back and within a minute, she was gone. 

More tears escaped my eyes. I started walking. 

"young man" 

I turned around and saw an old couple. The man looked like he was about to sleep. I wiped away my tears and said "yes?" 

"don't let her go" 

"how did you know?" 

"listen, when I met John we were at your age. I loved him so much, but then he had to leave the country and go back to his family. He said that he wouldn't be home until next year, and then we probably wouldn't be together. But you know what? I ran back to the plane and got him back. and look where we are now, 87 years old, and happily married" she smiled at me.

"thank you" I said and gave he a quick hug. I ran back to gate 23. 

My girl can't leave. I'm getting her back. 

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww but now's the question. Will Destiny stay? 


this chapter is dedicated to norwegiangromette bc she's so sweet, and kind 

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