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When I woke up my phone read 2am but Riley wasn't beside me. I checked my phone again just to make sure I hadn't mixed up the time when my stomach rumbled.

I hadn't meant to sleep the rest of the afternoon away, but the heat here had really been getting to me and in a strange way I kind of missed the dry heat back home.

This tropical heat, the kind filled with moisture was seriously draining me every day. Even in the comfort of the air conditioned house, I couldn't escape the exhaustion.

I climbed out of bed and quietly made my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I opened the fridge and found a plate wrapped up with my name on it.

I sat down at the kitchen bar and unwrapped it, digging into the sushi that was left for me. That's one thing I got from Averleigh, an insane love for sushi. The rest of my family would only ever eat the cooked sushi, but thanks to Averleigh I had gained the palate for the raw stuff too.

Since I was alone I didn't bother to use any kind of eating utensil, instead picking it up with my fingers and tossing it straight into my mouth, piece by piece until my plate was clean.

I could hear everyone outside, more than likely enjoying the hot tub, but now that I was full all I wanted to do was slip into pajamas and go back to bed.

When I got back to the room I changed and climbed back into bed letting my eyes close. I hated that I didn't want to socialize, but my body was physically drained.

I hadn't noticed that Riley had climbed into the bed until I woke up a couple hours later with a gut wrenching turning in my stomach.

I tried to take some deep breaths which adversely made me gag. I quickly jumped up and dashed to the bathroom, closing the door behind me before kneeling in front of the toilet and hurling the little food I ate into the bowl.

The only thing I hated more than this sticky heat was being sick. I flushed the toilet hoping that it would get rid of the smell before it had me hurling anymore.

Unfortunately I couldn't get that lucky. The smell wouldn't go away and I continued to hurl for what felt like forever until there was nothing left to get out.

Just like I always did I started crying. Other than the second day here this trip had been a disaster for me, and now not only was I tired and exhausted, but I was sick too.

I flushed the toilet again when I heard the door crack open.

"Britt are you okay?" Riley asked with a sympathetic look in his eye.
"No, I don't feel good." I sniffled trying to remember to breathe deeply.
"Let me get you some cold water." He said before he hurried out of the room.

When he returned he set the glass of ice water down on the floor beside me as well as a small pack of tums and began rubbing my back in soothing circles.

I reached over and quickly chewed up two of the tums before downing the entire glass of water. He pulled me into his chest as he continued to run my back.

"Come on let's go lay back down." He said grabbing my hands to help me up.
"Let me brush my teeth first." I said.

He stood behind me as I quickly brushed my teeth. Then we both climbed into bed as I laid beside him, quickly falling back to sleep.

I woke to Riley shaking me gently and handing me another glass of water.
"Britt you need to drink." He urged me softly.

I didn't protest, sitting up and drinking it slowly as he grabbed my hand, quickly pulling it away and placing it on my forehead.

"Jesus Britt you're burning up."
"Yeah this heat is killing me." I replied.
"Britt I don't think it's the heat, the air has been running non stop. Lay down, I'm going to get my mom." He said, his voice shaking with worry as he hurried out of the room.

My eyes involuntarily closed again as I heard Averleigh and Riley come back in. I thought I felt something cold being put on my head as I slipped further into unconscious.

So far this vacation was anything but the paradise alone time I had hoped for. Riley had stayed by my side every minute, making sure I got up to eat and drink but mostly I just slept off whatever bug was kicking my butt.

The day before we were leaving I woke up feeling marginally better. I climbed out of the bed as Riley slept and jumped straight in the shower. After two days of not showering or changing clothes I smelled like an old dumpster.

I took my time washing off all the grossness on my body, washing my body twice before shaving and washing my hair. When I climbed out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my body and realized I had forgotten to bring my clothes.

I cracked the door and looked over to Riley who was still asleep on the bed. Quietly I tiptoed out of the bedroom and slipped on some bikini bottoms before drying off the rest of my body and letting the towel fall to the floor as I searched in the dresser for my bikini top.

"Someone's feeling better." His raspy morning voice came from behind me as I jumped and let out a squeal.

Instinctively I turned around, before realizing that I had nothing covering my breasts and promptly turned back around again wrapping my arms over my chest.

"Hey." He said climbing off my bed until he was standing behind me. "You don't have to hide yourself from me Britt." He said wrapping his arms to rest them over mine, his bare chest pressed firmly against my back.

He turned me to face him moving his hands to cup my face as his big brown eyes stuck to mine. It was easy to get lost in those eyes, in the way they could speak to me without saying a single word.

My breath hitched as my bare chest skimmed across his warm skin. Our faces were close enough they could almost touch as our breathing became heavier with each second we spent gazing at each other.

When our lips finally connected it was soft and brief, a kiss so delicate it spoke to the deepest parts of my soul, igniting my entire body with butterflies.

I wasn't ready for the feeling to end so I leaned in again, this time adding a little more pressure to our kiss. It seemed to do its purpose as our kisses became more passionate and urgent.

I smiled into the kiss as I heard him flip the lock on the door to save us being interrupted. We walked backwards until Riley's legs hit the bed and he sat down as I straddled him to keep our lips connected.

"I love you so much Britt, but I don't think it's the right time." He said.
"Mhmm, do you want me to stop?" I moaned trying to keep as much contact between us as possible.
"No, but I don't want us to rush. My feelings aren't going to change." He smiled kissing me again.

When we finally broke apart I smiled at him, completely bewildered by how lucky I felt to have someone that was more focused on making every part our first time memorable, rather than someone who wanted to rush to get it over with.

That's how Riley has always been, it's one of the reasons we mesh well together. We both take pride in the details, rather than the destination.

Maybe just maybe, that's why we have lasted in our relationship together when our peers had seemingly quick lust filled relationships. Almost like the sun and moon, we were each other's constant although we were different.

Our friends were more like the stars that surround them. Bright and burning hot, but eventually fizzling out into nothing.

He stood and helped me tie my bathing suit in place before taking a shower and getting dressed in some swim trunks.

"So I'm guessing we are having a beach day?" He asked as he came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, it's the last day, and honestly all I want is to spend the day laying on the beach with you, and then finally slip into the hot tub tonight before we have to go back to reality tomorrow." I sighed.

"It's going to be weird sleeping without you beside me now." He smiled kissing my forehead.

"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, let's make the last day something to remember." He smiled.

Something to remember is exactly what he did.

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