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Excitement, relief, joy, all emotions I felt when the last bell rang ending junior year of high school. I loved school, I really did, but I loved Riley more.

Oh Riley, the perfect symbol of the good looking quarterback cliche in every high school movie ever created. Unlike those movies,Riley didn't need me to make him realize that he suddenly wanted to be a good person and treat people well, he always has been.

I actually think the meanest Riley ever was would be back when we were kids and he wouldn't let me in his treehouse because it was boys only. Now his youngest brother and sister occupy it to read books and do whatever it is their twin senses tell them to do.

I grab my bag and head out of Biology to my locker before I go to find Riley. Ava my best friend and partner in crime is already waiting for me when I finally get there.

She has her mousy brown highlighted hair pulled into a curly ponytail, while wearing some denim shorts and cute tank top.

"Hey Britt." She smiled.
"Hey girl." I replied opening my locker to grab all of my stuff "You ready for summer?".
"Yeah, well you know after family vacation, my parents are dragging us on some camping trip, and since you won't come with me I'm going to have to spend a whole week with my annoying brothers and their girlfriends." She rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Ava, you know I would come save you, but my parents have some surprise vacation planned next week."
"I wish my parents took me to cool places. I mean you're so lucky." She sighed.
"Yeah, because watching your parents making out like teenagers is exactly my idea of a perfect vacation!" I laughed.

"Come on! Let's get going. I know Riley's probably waiting for you." She said closing my locker for me and grabbing my arm.

"Just promise that when we get back we can hangout before school, last summer I only got to see you a couple times!"

"I know, I'm sorry. Things got busy with Riley's family trip and my family trip and it was crazy. This year I'll make sure to make a bunch of time for us to hangout." I squeezed her arm.

She smiled as we walked into the parking lot towards Riley. He was standing in front of his fire truck red mustang looking sexy in his shorts and T-shirt.

"There's my two favorite ladies." He smiled pulling me into a kiss as Ava climbed into the back of the car.

It was just a peck, a light feather dusting kiss that always lingered. Riley was always overly considerate of our PDA, not so much in larger groups or when we were alone, but definitely when it was just us and Ava.

She preferred to keep her options open rather than getting tied down in high school. Probably because high school was a cess pool of gossip and drama. Still we had agreed that we would keep our PDA to a minimum with her so we didn't make her uncomfortable.

We climbed into his car and set on the drive back to Riley's house. His parents had put in a pool last year after they decided that us taking all our friends to his grandmas was inconvenient.

We of course knew that it was so that they could keep an eye on us. Laura was one of the cool grandparents that would let us drink and do what we wanted, not that our parents weren't pretty chill, they were just a little less chill than granny Laura.

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