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I tiptoed down the stairs careful not to wake anyone who may still be sleeping. I could hear voices coming from the kitchen as I paused half way down.

"Riley I'm telling you this as a friend, you have to tell her before you leave, if you don't you're going to mess up everything you both have." Bretts voice was hushed.

"I agree with Brett. You need to say something, because not saying anything is going to kill her." Ava added.

"Well it's a good thing I didn't ask for either of your opinions. Listen she's been struggling with all of this enough as it is, not to mention she's been hiding things from me too. You know she promised that she would tell me what the doctor said before I go but when I bring it up she gets a panicked look in her face. I'm just saying, I'm not the only one with a secret." Riley countered as my mind raced.

"Well I'm sure she has her reasons." Ava muttered.

"What?" Brett said.

"Ava do you know something?" Riley asked before a moment of silence followed "you do don't you! I can't believe she would tell you and not me!"

"In her defense Riley, she only told me what was going on because she's struggling to find the best way to tell you, she's terrified that you'll decide to stay if she does..." Ava explained as the scraping of a spatula could be heard.

"She doesn't want me to stay?" Riley sounded hurt.

"Of course she does, but she doesn't want to be the only reason. She's proud of you and she loves you, but you have to admit that both of your parents have regrets about giving up their dreams for their relationships. She doesn't want that for both of you! She wants you to be happy and do what you've always wanted to do."

"I wouldn't regret being with her, ever!"

"Maybe not now! Riley she's trying to give you the chance to do what you've always wanted without having to worry about her all the time. I know she will tell you when you need to know, but for now you need to do what's best for you, that's all she wants." Ava finished.

" She left me a note you know? I put it with my things, but I already know whatever is in it is something she doesn't want to talk to me about! She even wrote on the envelope that I couldn't open it until I got to college!"

"Riley, dude, it's probably just a corny love note and she wants you to wait to open it so you have a reason to call her when you get there!" Brett teased. "It probably just says that she's sorry but she replaced you with bob the battery operated boyfriend!"

"Okay this conversation is over!" Riley said sounding a little happier than he had been.

I took this as my opportunity to make my presence known. I plodded down the rest of the stairs, making sure I made noise so they knew I was coming before walking in the kitchen with a forced smile on my face.

"How's my favorite drunk trio this morning?" I forced myself to sound as if I hadn't heard any of that conversation. It's not like I could be mad about him keeping secrets when I was keeping a pretty big one myself.

""Ugh, you are so loud!" Ava complained as Brett and Riley laughed.

I gave Ava and Brett a quick hug before wrapping my arms around Riley's waist and pressing my lips to his softly. "What about you big man?" I flirted.

"I got up early so that the ibuprofen could kick in before everyone else got up, so I'm actually pretty good. I made breakfast if you're hungry!" Riley grinned.

"Sounds perfect!" I leaned up and pecked his lips again.

Graciously I sat beside Ava at the table as Riley and Brett resumed cooking and plating food. Ava was shooting looks my way and it didn't take a genius to figure out that she was hinting that I needed to spill all to Riley.

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