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When we finally got home from our trip everyone was exhausted. I didn't even bother to unpack, heading straight to my room and flopping on the bed.

I sent a quick text to Riley telling him we were home and then sent one to Ava letting her know we had got back but I was tired.

Riley had replied and said he was home as well as a bunch of heart emojis, while Ava sent a long book about her entire trip and how her cousin was moving here for senior year because his parents were going traveling.

I didn't respond but set my phone down on the nightstand and closed my eyes. It wasn't long before I fell into a deep sleep, one that clearly I needed. When I woke up a few hours later I had a few missed calls from Riley and a string of messages from Ava. What caught me off guard was the message from Anna.

"Britt, text me back please it's important." It said.

I picked up my phone and called her instead of dragging it out in a text message.

"Hey Anna what's up?"
"Hey so you're not going to like this, but Riley couldn't get ahold of you and he thought you needed to know before you went out anywhere." She began rambling.

"Anna what is it?"
"Well me and Riley went to the store to grab some Pepsi's and when we were pulling out of the parking lot we saw someone walking in. I didn't really notice until Riley began cussing,"
"Anna please spit it out!" I said.
"It was Carl Black! He's back and Riley couldn't get you on the phone." She said.
"I...I have to go!" I said hanging up the phone.

My heart rate had increased and my hands were shaking as I called Riley. I needed him more than ever as I began to panic.

"Britt, I'm already..." He began.
"Riley." I sobbed unable to control myself.
"Hold on a second." He said as I just held the phone trembling.

He couldn't be here. The guy that almost destroyed me couldn't be back. It had taken Riley weeks to grab my hand without me flinching, let alone kiss me. While I would never admit it out loud, part of the reason it took two years for Riley to even touch me beneath my clothes was because I struggled to be touched at all without getting flashbacks of what Carl had tried to do that day.

I jumped when my bedroom door opened but didn't turn around to see who it was. It was almost as if I was frozen in a daze. I was stuck in a loop of that day, I could feel his hands touching me as his voice echoed in my ears. As if on instinct my hands covered them as I curled over on the bed.

"No, no, no, don't touch me, don't touch me." I was sobbing quietly, begging.

"Shit Britt!" I heard although I couldn't make out the voice over my head screaming at me.

I felt two arms wrap around me and pull me close. I flinched before I inhaled the familiar scent of Riley's cologne. I was still trembling in his arms but as he began to rub my back I felt myself calming down.

"Hey it's okay, I've got you." He whispered in my ear as I clung to him. "Britt you're safe, I promise."

I trusted him completely and squeezed him closer to me. Eventually my body stopped trembling, my eyes drying up as I continued to bury my face in his chest.

He was my safety net, the one person above all others that could give me the security I desperately needed in this. Maybe it was because he knew everything, or perhaps it was because he had rebuilt the pieces of my shattered confidence, either way I was certain that no one would ever make me feel the way he does.

"Britt look at me." He spoke softly as I pulled my face back from his chest, immediately missing the warmth of him on my face.

He cupped my face as he looked at me, gently wiping my cheeks.
"I promise that no matter what that no one will ever hurt you like that again. I won't let anything happen to you!" He said with a sincere look that had my emotions raging.

"I know." I whispered.
"I love you Britt, I'll show you that everyday for the rest of our lives."
"I love you too."

After a few minutes he kissed my forehead and stood up, holding out his hand. He didn't say anything but I took it anyway as he led me downstairs and out to his car.

I hadn't noticed that he had picked up a bag on our way out, not until we got to the car and he opened the trunk placing the black duffel inside before closing it.

We climbed in the car and began driving to wherever it was we were going. The radio was off so all that could be heard was the humming of the car.

"You want to talk about it?" He asked.
"No. Maybe. I don't know." I sighed.
"Well I'm here to listen if you do." He smiled taking my hand and interlacing our fingers.

"I just thought I could put it behind me with him moving, but now he's back it's all I can think about. I mean what am I supposed to do if I see him? or if he tries to talk to me? I don't think I can handle it." I admitted.

"I can't promise it's going to be easy, but I'll be there every way I can. We got through it once, we can do it again." He said squeezing my hand.

I smiled awkwardly and looked out the window. I knew he would be by my side through everything, but I still couldn't shake the anxiety of knowing that Carl was walking around here again, or that I may run into him.

When we pulled up at his house I let out a breath of relief. I didn't really want to go out anywhere, everywhere outside the confinement's of our houses wasn't safe.

We had just sat down in Riley's room when my phone rang.

"Hey mom." I answered.
"Hey sweetie are you coming home later or staying with Riley?" She asked.
"I'll probably stay if it's okay? It's just been a bad day." I said.

There was a few moments of silence before she answered again.

"That's actually why I'm calling, someone came to the house looking for you. He said his name was Carl I think. I told him you weren't home and he left but I thought it was strange. You've never mentioned a Carl before? Anyway it's fine if you stay out, I kind of figured you guys wouldn't be able to stay apart after a week constantly together."

"Are you sure he said Carl? You know what never mind, thanks mom. I'll call you tomorrow." I said before hanging up the phone and turning into Riley's arms. "How did you know?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"I didn't, I just had a feeling. When me and Anna saw him when we were leaving the store I was talking to myself wondering why he would come back here. Anna was the one that suggested it was probably for you, I think she's right though. It makes sense, especially if he's talking to your mother." He said.

"He wasn't just talking to her, He went to my house! Riley I cant even go home and be by myself. I mean I cant exactly tell my parents its him, but I also can't exactly move in here either." I began pacing.

"Britt just take a breath. We are together all the time anyway, we can just alternate between our houses and if he shows up at your house I will just deal with him. I told you, I wont let anything happen to you!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me back to him.

That night I curled up in his arms to sleep for the first time in his bed. The pillows smelled like him, or maybe I was actually smelling him, either way it made me feel at ease. Knowing that he was beside me, holding me close, reassured me that I was safe. As long as I had him I would always be safe.

I was lucky. Lucky to have Riley. Lucky that he was there for me that day. The thought of seeing Carl again may terrify me more than anything, but in a strange way I know that without that awful day I wouldn't have found the best guy I have ever known.

I guess sometimes that's just the way the world works, in strange ways. If only someone would have warned us about how strange it was going to get.

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