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Author- Narration -

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- Narration -

Yena bumped her forehead on the steering wheel out of anger. 'You're so stupid, Yena!' She kept on doing that until she felt sore. 'You should've offered again!'

She then leaned back and closed her, afraid that when she opens it she'll just get hurt on what's happening before her. She hates herself for following what Yujin said, but she'll hate herself more if she goes against it.

She then opened her eyes and as soon as she did, a tear fell out of her eye. She wiped it and started the engine and ignored what's happening in front of her.

As soon as she got home, she went straight to her room that made the Yujin who was waitting for Yena in the living room think something was off.

Yujin crossed his arms on his chest and leaned beside the closed door of Yena's door. He closed his eyes listening to Yena's crying makes him calm, not because Yena was hurting and crying her eyes out. But because Yena was trying to release the pain in her chest that made Yujin at ease.

Yujin smiled then opened his eyes. He slightly opened the door of the dark room Yena was in. Looks like Ye a hasn't noticed him.

It made him irritated suddenly, hearing Yena cry made him calm but seeing her cry pained him. He had never heard or seen Yena cry, it was always him crying and Yena helping him to calm.

He walked inside made sat beside Yena who was leaning her elbows on her thighs and covering her face with both of her hands.

'I'm not those people who say "are you okay" or "everything will be fine", those are the stupidest things to say to a crying person' Yujin signed, he extend his arms and wrapped it around Yena and pulled her in his embrace.

'Just cry all you want, I'm here for you. I will stay here for you, I will wait 'till you're ready to tell me why you're hurting right now' Yujin rubbed Yena's arms to try lessen her pain.

After maybe 10 minutes, Yena finally calmed down. She let her whole body rest on Yujin's.

'I want to, really, I want to. I want to love her and shower her all my love, but I'm scared' Yena started tearing up again, 'I'm scared she'll just hurt me again!'

'As much as I don't want to say this right now but I have to' Yujin paused, 'You're just hurting yourself more than she'll hurt you'

'But this will only last for months then I'll get over her without being with her' Yena reasoned.

'No, you're wrong. You can never get over someone you love for so long' Yujin sighed. He couldn't understand why Yena was being stubborn right now.

'I like Yuri noona, but if it hurts you this much loving her from far away then it wouldn't make any difference loving her close by' Yujin felt a tear fall out of his eyes remembering something.

'I would hate to say this myself, but... run away. Run as far as you can, where you feel no pain' Yujin looked down, he was disappointed that those words came from him.

'I may be stupid and an idiot, but I still care for you' Yujin smiled at Yena even if he knew Yena wouldn't see it.

'I want to leave this country as soon as possible, Yena noona' Yujin mumbled but loud enough for Yena to hear.

'I'm waiting for you, Yena noona'

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