Part 21: Sometimes it's Just That Simple

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Well I could tell you the awkward morning... well late night I had when Wendy came over, she had woken up in the middle of the night around 3 A.M. and had awoken me with her shifting when she tried to sneak off. I teased her a little for being so comfy to sleep with, and then quickly gained the same deep flushed tone she had, the moonlight making it easy to see since we didn't pull the canopy over the seats.

We said our goodbyes, only after I offered to walk her home, which she told me she needed a little time to herself after waking up in that situation, her smile making it less worrisome but I still had a nagging feeling in the back of my head as I am bumped by Gruncle Stan who woke me up to catch the fish who was yanking on my line.

" Dipper come on! We'll lose the competition this way! " I stirred quickly and began to reel, feeling like a kid again and trying to fish when we ended up looking for the Goberwonker, the idea made me smile and soon enough grin as I continued to give slack and reel, give some slack and reel. Mostly I was distracted as Mabel wooted over and over like she was a one woman cheerleading squad.

" Come on Dipper show that big bad fish who is boss! " I roll my eyes but I just kept to the task until one final pull yanked out a rather small fish who would fling about and wiggle with so much life. Gruncle laughing his head off as Mabel giggled at me, feeling a weird sense of Dai Ja Vu which would only make me work to unhook the little guy.

" Careful Dipper that guy might take your hand off-- " Suddenly as I got it unhooked, we all fall back suddenly when the little mouth expanded to the size of a bear trap and snapped at us. Luckily nothing was lost but I gave out a laugh soon enough as I pull myself to my seat and help Stan to his, Mabel somewhat shivering from the large fangs that tried to eat us.

" Ok so another win for me, told you Gruncle Stan we were more likely to catch a weird fish over anything normal. " Gruncle Stan fixes his fishing cap and vest a bit, rolling his head to get more comfortable after locking up from the surprise.

" Ya ok. Heh. Oh well, even if we lose I am glad we got to do this again! Missed having you guys around while me and four eyes were sailing the high seas. " I nod with a warm smile, rehooking my line and adding the bait and lure, hoping to catch not just the eye of a fish but his gullet so I might find something bigger, true there was no science behind this... I just did what felt like fun. Mabel of course wiggling her pole now and then as if to lure a fish that way.

" We have missed everything about this place Gruncle! I mean I have kept busy but... I know we both needed to come back here... well we both knew. " Mabel spoke up and reached over to hug me with one arm, nuzzling my back as if it was her spot to use however she wished. " Though I suppose Dipper got more than he needed. " I could hear it in her voice, remembering that early early morning when I was about to head back inside and she came bursting through the latch screaming ' Dipper! ' and drilled me for details.

" Heh, I don't know what you are talking about Mabel... me and Wendy just finally, talked. You're the one who keeps romancing it. " I teased back while wiggling some as if trying to get free, but soon enough Stan carefully steps up beside me and wraps his arms around both me and Mabel to give us that huge hug he always loved to give us, we were not as small but he still had such beastly arms like his brother, it was amazing for guys who didn't work out too seriously.

" Well romancing or not, you have been so much happier since that day squirt. I'm just happy to see both of you smiling, Mabel can only cover so long for your lack of them., " Mabel showing off that gleaming white smile she had ever since those braces came off, my own were removed only a year ago, the wreck having messed me up a little but luckily the dentist I went to was a Wiz about such damage, having visited me in the hospital after Dad paid him for the exclusive service, the doctors would have done much the same but he was able to help while they were letting other procedures heal.

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