Part 31: The Unlikely Truth

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I spent a better part of a week getting fawned over and taken care of when honestly as everyone had seen, I was perfectly fine... ok well I was mostly fine, perfection is such an ugly word in all of science. With a few snuck-out trips to Wendy's when Mabel would cover for me, I was able to survive my imprisonment, not that bad but you get it right?

" Diiiippppeeerrr! " I hear a call as I shift from my bed to better greet Mabel as she bounds her way upstairs and jumps me into my bed, making me almost smack into the wall but luckily she was careful. " Two more days! Two more days and it's birthday time! "

" Haha, I know Mabel, we always spend it together.  Speaking of which, still won't tell me what you want? "

" Nooooooope, you have to guess... or else it's no fun! " Mabel says with her usual cheerful attitude shining through, keeping me and everyone else happy enough for the week just on a few moments of her company.

" Alright, well get off me and I'll meet you all for breakfast. " Mabel nodded and ran off with a soft woo in her wake as I just shook my head with a smile and got up to get prepared for the day, reaching out for my usual tech shirt, I draw my hand back and smile a bit more just knowing I didn't need to hide anymore.

" Dipper! Hey kid, look at this... I thought Mabel would get a kick out of this piece. " Stan caught me midway downstairs as he meets me midway down to pull up his phone, ya he wasn't savvy but he was able to get up to date thanks to Ford, he was able to grasp concepts using "Doohickey, whatchamagig, and that weird hand pointing to the left".

" A stitching kit, I mean she has one but I suppose another won't harm anything. " I looked a bit confused, to say the least at the product page, but then Gruncle Stan patted my back with a hearty laugh and spoke back up.

" You know kid, sometimes you just lose all those smarts. No no no, this is just the base of what we are going to go buy today... Ford and Me thought it would be perfect to give this puppy an overhaul since she has been using that beginner one for so long. With this baby, she could pump out her work at all-time highs. " Nudging my side as I chuckled a bit and nodded.

" I think she will be thrilled to have something that can get her work done quicker, she always loves seeing how they look afterward. " After a bit of back and forth, we arrive at the kitchen with Mabel adding her famous sprinkles to her pancakes as she already had waffles ready for us now. Ford resting back and reading the paper as his watch would flicker through the pages as he swiped them to reveal the truth behind the words, a handy device that kept the written word honest.

" Ah Dipper, good to see you're finally awake. Feeling alright or just out late again? " Ford somewhat smirking as Stan nudges me once more while I hear Mabel giggle and they all settle at the table to watch me.

" Yes yes I was out with Wendy again... Look I know you're all worried but I don't want to be watched over, I know we still need to talk about what happened but I can't let Bill or anything else ruin my life. I know we need to be prepared, but when we aren't getting ready, I don't see why I can't go out. " I slip into my seat and swiped the butter and syrup to put onto my waffles.

" Look Dipper, I know you are eager to enjoy your youth, but the more we ignore the possible, we will find ourselves torn into another Weirdmaggedon. We will talk about this later... Stan and yourself both need to meet me in the basement, Mabel you as well, this will affect you too. " Ford began to pour his self-made butter and Syrup, using a device that swirled the gooey liquids evenly, even if it was a bit disturbing of a sound, it made it easy for Ford to make his style of Waffle toppings.

" You know Ford if we spend too long downstairs we won't have time to go on that chore we need to get done. " Stan waving his fork at Gruncle Ford for a moment until Mabel blew out a Pfft!

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