Part 46: What I've Done

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The nights, for what the timepieces told everyone else, were rather calm it seemed. The sun was gone from the skies everywhere else during these times, but it seemed like our only shining hope those days. I stood on the hood of the car meant for him, meant for the hero who showed me through all the lives he touched that life itself was worth holding onto. Honestly, I couldn't figure out why I was alive and he was gone, mirrors had become like a curse everywhere I went.

" Bill! " A shout came as a muscle car drove up, it was something of a replica like all the vehicles that Six Fingers and McGrucket made, but honestly it looked like something out of a creature hunting show. It spun around and parked a few feet from the hood I stood upon as Bleeding He--- no, Robbie stepped out. " Hey, what are you doing? You were supposed to check in an hour ago. "

" Sorry. " I said bluntly as I lept down to his level and adjusted my hat, looking up to see that blank stare that everyone gave me one time or another, usually everyone still kept looking at me like that. " I got lost in thought. Still a bit new driving around... Makes me feel a little cramped up stuck in a metal cage. "

" Ya, I get that man, but we need to make sure we keep everyone in check... with the spacial alteration that the big ugly left behind it's almost like we shrunk, even the tunnels were spread further out and we have enough issues with everybody needing repairs because they hit turns too fast. " Robbie was mostly right, more or less I thought people would still have their issues since the roads were meant to go so far to allow anyone to speed up to full throttle and ramp right out, measurements and calculations were mostly right, but the human element would have always gotten them in trouble.

" I will make sure to keep check from now on. Sorry, Robbie. " Once again he just shook his head having gotten that mental overlay off me of Dipper, the same image they all saw when looking at me. " Are Shoot--- Mabel and Pacifica doing ok? I haven't been by the mansion to see if it's still all together. "

" It took a hit yesterday, but the guys Gideon employees had it repaired to her standards in no time. They have been real handy getting materials. " Robbie looked away and out over the falls, for the first time we both would look out from the top of the cliffs that opened up to the Falls and just stared at the few creatures floating around trying to either capture or running away from a set of cars that were roaming about, the Bikers all having whipped out their old bikes from their homes to help run down some of the beasts.

" Was it this bad when I tried to take over? Did I really cause this much fear? " I honestly couldn't grasp that man anymore, that being who sought only to rip apart a dimension for my master so I could be given a domain to rule and toy with myself.

"  Ya, it was bad... but this time we are ready for it. I think after what you put us through, we knew it wouldn't be that easy to just be rid of the weird in this town. Shoot, after this we could be considered a City if McGucket puts in those barrier walls to support the bowl. " We both had a small chuckle at the idea, but really it wasn't all that terrible an idea to avoid landslides and falling rocks.

" Well I won't take any credit for helping, I have committed too many sins to be forgiven in this life. " I would turn to walk back to his car and only be grabbed by the arm as Robbie pulled me back, causing my arm discomfort if not a little pain as well.

" Hey, that is not how Dipper would talk! You may hate that you look like him but you have to live for him now pal! Or else what would his sacrifice of been for? " Robbie would jerk his hand away as I pulled to be freed, sure enough, serious and stern in his speech to me that would cause me to grin, and him to be confused shortly after. 

" You really did grow up, I thought Dipper was just seeing things, but you were his best friend. " I knew it would hurt, hell it hurt me to admit I wished I was a friend as well now. Yet Robbie looked away while I got into my car and sped off, ramping off the edge of the canyon and down onto the railroad tracks to head into the secret tunnel that opened up inside the other tunnel across the way. 

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