Part 4: Hi?

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The next week was rather simple for me and Mable, I helped out at the shack with her, though she was often asking me to cover because she wanted to hang out with Candy, Grenda was away for a few days to visit her boyfriend Marius who was still trying to convince her to move to Austria and marry him. The things I learn when trying to sleep and Mabel has too much energy to allow it to happen. I had been looking for someone to help out at the shack so Melody can rest and I could get some time off to explore and relax for once, I didn't mind Mable keeping up with her friends but I was only getting updates from the outside world, and few and between was anyone I actually wanted to know about, other than Lazy Susan's niece having taken over her diner, having taken time off to date after Ford fixed her eye.

" You know dude, I don't mind having the shop closed while I give tours. I mean like, it won't hurt business. " Soos had just finished a tour as he took off his eye patch and loosened his tie, the coolest surprise of late was Soos getting into shape, he still had a bit of a gut but he was definitely looking better overall, likely a couple more years and all his walking would have him in perfect health. 

" Nah, I will find someone soon and then it will be easier on us all. Melody might even be able to relax and only have to check up on us. " I close the magazine I had been reading, somewhat remembering all the times Wendy had been looking through what was in stock just to kill time, now it was almost a staple for returning customers as a way we should look, but that was more an excuse to why I kept slacking every day when the customers left before the tour group turned into the next set.

" Alright dude, just don't overdo it, Melody would have my head if we let you kids wear yourselves out. Not that I wouldn't blame myself. Hoho. " That little laugh he had was still so fun because of how innocent he has always been. In terms of having an older brother, Soos was as close as you could come without being blood related. I chuckle a bit and shake my head as he looks out hearing the shuttle coming down the path, the trees made everything echo a bit much but when tours were over it was so easy to fall asleep still.

" Well I think I'll be good for the last bus, anyways not like I have anything to do... " I did my best to mask my down in the pitts attitude but Soos was always a bit more clever than most people gave him credit for in the past.

" Nah dude... You go and I'll run the store for the last group. You go and have some fun... plenty of daylight. Meanwhile, I am needed elsewhere. " I couldn't help myself from laughing out a bit as Soos backed out of the shack with such precision and spun around in time to smoke bomb and grab everyone's attention. The new Man of Mystery was sure living up to the name.

I laid the magazine on the shelf under the counter and locked up the cash register, ready for Soos to put in the code to unlock it when he needed. Grabbing my vest, I shift slightly as I had stuff my... her hat into the inside pocket, it was rolled up and kept pristine, well as pristine as time would allow... and a car wreck. I slip it out and look it over, remembering that moment it came into my care as I brush the fuzzy forehead, only slightly singed, mostly recovered except for the part I had to cut out.

The woods had been comforting really, I wasn't entirely ready to go into town and have a bunch of people call out to me to catch up, especially Blubs and Durland, they were good cops but lord could they get out of hand quickly and wear time thin. I look up to the cliffs and catch sight of a heard of Manitaurs running towards their caves, smirking some as I made note to catch up with them as I was stopped suddenly as a small hand caught the corner of my eyes as I look down to a gnome crossing. As each little man passed by, I rose a brow figuring they didn't recognize me, and usually were too busy being busy to care about anyone unless they needed them for their own goals. Though one did stop and look up at me as I stared back almost blankly. " Snarbulock! " The little yell made me smile and soon they all rushed off deeper into the forest while I got a clear path to continue on my way.

I soon came to a clearing as the lake's rushing groups all were setting up their boats to their trailers and getting ready to head home, the new dock made it a good business to rent out space for people to dock and not worry about always having to set up over and over every day, it was still new but with the design McGucket made for his son, the pier was all scrap metal though you couldn't tell, the floating pads underneath also made it simple to repair if needed.

" Dipper old boy! " I heard a voice call out as I neared the pier, McGucket came walking up in that uncomfortable stance he had after his memory wipe and fall into slight madness, but he definitely dressed better now as he wore a pair of blue jeans like myself and t shirt, his beard was cut down to an inch at best while he still wore that hat just because a lot of people didn't like him suddenly without. I turned with a slight bewildered look how he knew it was me so easily before reaching out to shake his hand, which I regretted as he still flailed his arm when shaking hands.

" Haha. Hey McGucket, surprised you noticed me, How have you been? " McGucket let me go as I stumble slightly and he gave out that carefree laugh and smacked his knee as he rose it.

" Oh Dipper I could catch you through a Weird storm! I have been doing great, Sold back the Northwest mansion and bought me a great sha--- house, it is cozy and I got Jr to move in with me, him and his wife and kids love it there.. I spend all my time in the basement with my own projects while Ford isn't around. " I didn't have to say anything for McGucket to see I was bummed without Ford around yet, soon to pat my shoulder and flash that wide smile as he flipped on those goggles he made to see better, oddly they were becoming a trend that surpassed the usual computer tech glasses that were the rage a couple years ago. " Don't worry old boy. You're gruncles will be back in no time and I bet they will have all kinds of experiments to bring you in on. " I smile and nod to him before he turns hearing his son calling out and waving goodbye to me as he walks off to head into the store.

I can only chuckle and smile wide seeing everyone doing so good, McGucket still had his crazy ways but he was a lot more clear headed the longer he spent working with science and keeping up with Ford. 

It was then that my own attention was caught as I heard a large voice boom out with such force it felt like the wind itself was replaced by his lung power. A more personal boat was roaming out from the fog as a large set of fists joined by smaller ones pumped into the air over and over while the big man had a full cooler sitting ontop his right fist. " Fishing! Fishing! Fishing!  Oh ya! " They all cheered before he continued. " Good work boys! That is how you use your FIST! " Throwing another punch into the water and nearly hitting a fish, but of course they had their fill now as they docked and hopped out to walk off towards their truck.

Meanwhile, behind... there she was. Tying up her father's boat to their dock and checking for anything the boys left behind, always being the good older sister even if she wasn't the eldest child. I had walked out onto the pier and along the path that Manly Dan had rushed through just a moment ago. A few of her brothers had been watching as I made my way along and even they had ducked a bit as their father, oblivious to all but preparing the truck. I stopped a few feet away with one hand in my vest pocket and the other holding her hat in hand, noticing her head was void of any such cover.

I didn't... couldn't say anything as I watched her pull the last firm knot into place and stand to wipe her brow, she was ever the tomboy but she had grown into a woman to say the least... god I couldn't help myself for that moment. Though the time did come when she turned about, fully ready to follow her family before her step halted as she looked me right in the eyes and stared confused for a moment, only to lose all surprise and expression as I smiled a bit and lifted my hand, shooting up my index and middle fingers in a faint wave from holding her hat.

" Hi? "..... good lord... I'm so awkward.

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