Part 22: Darkness Like Never Seen Before

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Me and Pointdexter really had no other way to go about the news that we had found, it had been strange that for all the weird happenings in the world that nothing seemed to slow down or ease up, if not for the grail, me and my brother would be retiring right now and leaving everything to Dipper, that was something we just could not do.

" There you two are! Sheesh and you tell me you wanted a meeting and show up late yourselves. " Manly Dan spoke up to us without issue, he just liked to gripe us since he was enjoying the bean dip that Susan had brought for everyone. The whole town, well the adults of the town were here in the basement of McGucket's home, it was larger than one might imagine because that made genius used the Rex arm as a biological hoe and made himself a somewhat bunker/command center, it was nice but Ford was always the more productive one, McGucket still had a computer ten times too large just because he couldn't figure out how to create a cooling source.

" Yes yes We know, Stanley wanted to spend a little more time with the kids, they have been rather absent since Dipper and Wendy made up, now their little group is always out and about. The Manotaurs seemingly tried to whip the Robbie boy into shape. " I only grinned at that sight since I still had my issues with him, Wendy was a good kid and that boy actually tried to brainwash her. I didn't give him the death glare treatment anymore but he didn't get invites to our BBQ days, Dipper still brought him along.

" That kid really has grown, you still owe us an explanation for why he was gone Ford! I mean thanks to all of you we still have a town to call home. Gee Golly I mean we all took up arms because of his spirit! " McGucket came out from the darkness, carrying a few blueprints as he wasn't quite handy enough to get the monitors working yet, but he still had a projector set up for later while he began to lay out various plans which nobody seemed to be confused about in the least.

" I will tell you all soon, but right now we got this meeting going because-- 

" Because Weirdmageddon was probably just the beginning of that pointy freak and we need to ensure nothing happens to our kids! " I slammed my fist on the meeting table, sending a couple of the crisper blueprints to rattle and fall a few inches back to the table from the force, everyone seemed to jump back except for Dan and McGucket because they were beyond simple frights.

" Yes I believe Stanley is right, in our travels it seems we stumbled on writings that matched much of what Bill had been using, simple but oddly complicated writings that we had to translate four times over every time to find the correct wording. Bill used reversed language to hide his little chants but whatever this anomaly is, it is so beyond mortal comprehension that we had to be careful every letter we found because it may have led us to another paragraph or even page. This might have been the ultimate goal that Bill was preparing for when he wanted out of the falls, to bring in the big guns that wanted to possess everything."

Ford began to show off the pictures and writings he had gathered, Manly Dan walking up beside me and speaking softly so not to distract Ford as he addressed the town.

" So, are you guys avoiding putting Dipper through more? Or is there something else going on with that boy? " I almost felt shocked as Dan was a thick headed lumberjack for so long that I believe his wake up call woke up more than I realized.

" Dipper has been having nightmares for some time... like PTSD except he can recount everything from the dreams. No matter the way you roll the dice, even the Stephan Eagle guy didn't have a big enough brain to recollect entire dreams. Ford is worried Bill might have a remnant of himself somewhere, and he needs Dipper to bring him back. " Dan would almost flare in anger, gripping my shirt and lifting me. Yet as always Ford was prepared and had a stun wand on Dan's neck in an instant.

" I am explaining it all now Dan. Look we know you are worried for Wendy, but we are worried not just for our kids but everyone in this town. You all were welcoming of Stanley while I was away and our kids have come to love this place, so even I who only truly know my friend McGucket will put everything we have into fighting for this place, if not the world. "  Dan put me down slowly and Ford put away his wand, the little device was impressive even on gorilla size beasts we had fought.

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