Part 9: Managain

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(( I wanted to start this off by saying sorry for the delay. I haven't been feeling well and thus I was avoiding writing because I was tired a lot. This might end up short but I will be back to at least 1 chapter a week soon enough, at the very least of course ))

I returned to the Mystery Shack only to have Soos run up to me and take my by my arms, shaking me suddenly as my voice came out in mimic of those shakes. " Woah So~oo~oos calm down bud. W~h~at's going ooooon? " The man was speaking a bit in gibberish as I would look over his shoulder to see Melody working her way to the car, Soos clearly needed someone to take over for the day and I was not exactly about to let my best buddy down. " Woah woah. Ok I got this, go make sure everything is ok and I will be right here holding fort."

"Ah. Thanks dude. She says it's nothing serious but... you know, can't help but worry about her. " I only am able to smile and nod to the man as he turns and waves back to me while heading into the car and driving off. Mabel had a sweet smile on her face and giggled to herself before I walked by and she soon spoke up.

"She really does love him. Kept saying how cute he was being so protective. I'm glad we avoided that digital girl and fried her good! " Mabel's arm swung around, punching my arm and making me wince slightly only to rub the spot, Mabel began to gain a worried look until I was smiling and laughing softly with her antics and shook my head.

"I agree... I'm really happy for them, impossible odds of meeting only to be perfect." I gave Mabel a swift hug as she was still worried clearly about having hit my arm, but I did my best to calm her before I nudged her hip with my own and began towards the shack. " I know you are planning another day full of best friends. Hurry up before Grenda calls over the forest for you. " We share a laugh and her warm smile returns, at ease from worry and turning about face to follow the trail towards town so she could meet up with her besties.

I spent the evening mostly reading up on the latest survival gear, circling a few items that I wanted to order later on Rainforest, their delivery time even here seemed to be something of legends, though half the time the gnomes scared off new drivers. Resting back in my stool, I begin to relax a bit more deeply until my hair almost shades my eyes as I breath in deep and sigh softly into a light sleep. Something rare for me was a peaceful sleep, more so was something as kind to say a sleep that benefitted my health thanks to my nightmares, but today was no different, and once more I am haunted.

"Oh look at Pinetree all safe and sound in his nappy wappy!" The voice echoes around me as I look down at myself, clenching and curling up to try and hide as usual, I feel anger and fear each and every time. "Come on Champion of the Zodiac! Let's see you win this time! Come on! Come on! COME ON! I ALREADY ONE ONCE WHEN I....!"

"SHUT UUUUUUUP!!!" My cries ring out not only in my dream but in my waking as I jolt out of the chair and slam a knee into the corner of the counter and soon my fists onto the top. Shaking visibly while I felt a single drop of water fall off my brow and my thumb is the destination while I take deep shaky breaths trying to compose myself. Though if fate was a real thing, it truly was cruel.

"Woah Dipper... Spaz out much? " I froze entirely as Wendy stood at the caddy corner of the desk, oddly swapped from the places we were when I first arrived all those years ago, I turn my head just barely to look to her as I didn't fully realize the fear and pain I was showing... nor the slipped fabric off my wrist that began to show my forearm partially. Wendy clearly saw the markings that I had inked into my skin and her brow went from relaxed and assuming, to worry and concern as she stepped closer. " Woah man, hey what is up with that? Dipper why are you... "

" It doesn't matter! " I exclaimed suddenly, pulling away and recovering myself until my thumb hooked into the notch in my sleeve to keep the material from sliding again. " Look just go. I need to close up for a while.... " I reached for the old " Closed until further need of your wallets! " Sign, it was a fun gag and most people honestly wanted to buy replicas.

Even so Wendy was never one to back down from anything that threatened those around her, and I was exposed for the first time since we got back. " Um, How about no?! Look I can still be mad and worried, so tell me what's bugging you Dipper. " Asserting her natural leadership personality, not wanting a single soldier to be out of place when needed, typical Wendy.

" Heh Worried, you were far more worried about how to chip away at me when I came back rather than trying to even listen. " I could feel that cold exterior playing out, that guy who went through freshman year as an outcast for snapping at every bully or simple concerned student that came around, only a few teachers had remained vigilant to check up on me. " Look stay or don't stay but you remember how to lock up. " I shuffle around and grab my overshirt, a simple red plaid button up that made my tech shirt a little less stand outtish. " I'm out... " My voice was cold, I couldn't stop it and I wasn't sure I wanted to right then. I pass by Wendy who goes for my arm, ya she was strong, but I turned and pulled away before she could get a grip and I slammed the door open in the same motion, well a few steps and I did, but in the moment it felt really cool.

I knew she tried to get my attention but I was off and she stilled cared about the shack, it was my one advantage to guilt her into remaining behind. My hands laid in my shirt pockets, like a jacket they were sewn in sturdy but the lining was a little weak like 90's jeans. Either or way I was able to go into the forest and try to clear my mind a bit as I wandered down an old trail I had almost forgotten. Trying my best to try and shift from anger and hate, I knew it would only infect my views on Wendy with how things had been, and even though I wanted to be upset, I knew she had her reasoning.

After a few minutes I came upon a hill that once lead me to a interesting moment in my life, smirking a tad at the hoof marks that were littered about, a few even circling in a standard celebratory chant pattern, I begin to reach the rocky trail that would lead to the abandoned Manotaur cave, most of them moved to the higher hills where the multi-bear lived, as Gruncle Stan said, they all joined forces to help keep watch over the Falls, though likely just showing off their muscles and alike.

" Eh, suppose I have time to be a Manotaur-again. " It would be nice to see them, also the yelling and hooting might ease me.

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