Part 5: Towers Fall

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I don't think I've ever seen this look in her eyes before, Wendy looked shocked and at the same time at wits end, ready to jump as her fist rose for a moment and then she stomped her boot down hard and exhaled as if fighting back her words.

" Unbelievable... " Her voice had gotten a bit bolder, not so light as when she was fifteen, but this was also more so her anger as she walks past me and shoves my arm in the process, my whole body freezes like a plank as I turned but I recover with a gasp of air, holding my right arm as it might look like I was feigning pain or emotional hurt from such a shove.

" What do you mean?! Wendy come on I.. " I was stopped as she turned and planted her boot down again, she wasn't as tall as me now but she had that aura that went with feminine danger and her father's willpower.

" Don't "Wendy" me Dipper Pines. Just stay away and we'll get through this summer without problems. " Her pointer aimed right towards my nose as I look down at her hand and back up at her in no time, her expression hurt more than I could say, but I sealed my lips while I am sure my angered expression wasn't missed. She turns and heads back to her family, her brothers all watching still but it was her older brother who would sit outside the truck for a moment, watching me almost unsure of how to look at me.

Their truck drove off and I felt like I was the last person left in the world, the mist from the lake was floating inland as the sun began to disappear over the cliffs, it would be another hour before darkness but right now it was perma-shade.

" Look dear it seems we caught ourselves a bounty. "

" Oh ho we sure did dear. Robbie where are you going?! " I looked to the side and in a moment I was taken by the arm as I was being lead by my once nemesis Robbie. " I'm visiting and old friend. It's not against the law! " Somehow I was perplexed how he still sounded like a depressed teen but then again it was breaking my mindset out of this funk. Releasing my arm by the trail, we both began to walk without a word for a few moments as I turned to speak he cut me off. " Sorry about kidnapping you squirt, the parents have always been too cheerful even when I do want to visit them. "

" No no I hear ya. It always confused me how funeral home directors were so cheerful, it's like the anti Addams Family. " Robbie chuckled at that one as I joined before he nudged my arm.

" It's good to see you man. The guys will freak to see you again, they are stopping by next week with Tambry."

" Tambry... Riiiight, are you two still? "

" Ya, it's rough with her touring and me in college, but since I began online classes it got a lot easier to meet up with her. You know I never thanked Mabel for helping us. " Robbie smiled a bit softer, he didn't wear make-up anymore and his hair was a little shorter, he even remade his "destiny hoodie".

" You knew about that? How? We stopped the love god... Well at least he said he was never coming back here. " I was deeply confused now.

" Tambry ran into the guy on tour and he explained what happened, tried to offer the anti love potion even... I bet we would have thought it was all stupid if not for Bill and the end of the world. " He reaches up and gives my shoulder a soft grip. " When you guys left after winter, our world really opened up thanks to you guys. "

" Heh. Thanks Robbie, I hate to say it but I was glad things went as they did then... you were so much more chill once you got with Tambry. " Robbie laughs out and I joined in for a moment as his head nods.

" Ya, she really pulled me down to earth and I got her off that cellphone. Now she's a manager, how wild is that?! " Robbie shoved me once more with his fist as I stumbled but caught myself quickly. 

" Haha. Well she always did micro manage. How has everyone else been? I mean I know the guys started "The Falls" and everyone at school has them in their playlists, but what about... " I stop realizing our group wasn't as large as I hoped to avoid asking about Wendy too soon.

" Thompson is good, he tours with the band and roadies for them. He is still a little chubby but dude has muscle now, it's scary. " We both smirk at that image and soon he continues. " Wendy has been back for a little while now. Her dad got a little sick a couple years back and she came home to help out... She was back normally for holidays and summer because y'know, her college was only a few hours drive away, less than a day to get home and settled in. "

" Ya I remember... didn't know Manly Dan could get sick, figured he would punch it out. " I tried my best to jest, though Robbie wasn't dimwitted, and he soon sighed stopping, causing me to turn my head back to him.

" Look... I know you two got close before you left, you were like her best friend aside from Tambry... But she really was hurt when you stopped coming back... I found out a year after you stopped texting her and calling that she was depressed. Me and the gang did all we could but even just mentioning you set her off... I guess what I'm getting at man, what happened? "

I just stared for a moment, my heart felt like it stopped cold and I could feel that dull throbbing in my right arm as if it was being beat with a thick tree branch over and over. Reaching over to my shoulder, I brush the fabric on my arm while I draw up the long sleeve, it was Tek wear so it was thin enough to breath, but it hid  a lot of what laid beneath, only the feign images could be seen that I got a couple years back.

" I can't tell you that, not yet... but what I can say is that me and Mable aren't visiting this time. We are moving here till we get through our classes. After that... Mabel might stay but, I might have nothing left to keep me here... Not to say I don't wanna see you guys, but I will just cause issues with Wendy it seems. "

I was caught off guard by the next move as Robbie shoved me down into a moss covered log that had hallowed out from what likely was a knot years ago, I look up confused and upset for a moment before I see Robbie equally upset as he pointed down at me.

" Look I don't mind waiting to hear about whatever is happening, but Lee and Nate and Tambry all really like you man, hell I even like you and that never felt possible until after Tambry made me see everything in a new light. If life takes you away naturally then fine, but don't you dare say you are just going to leave and make us all lose a good friend again. " Robbie had never been so open before which left me more shocked and awed until he took my hand and yanked me onto my feet, we were close to the same height but I was outgrowing him, he soon gave me a soft bat on my chest with his fist and smiled cockily at me. * I gotta head home man. You go rest too and we can talk about hanging out next week... if Wendy doesn't want to be around she can put up with it or go home, not like we won't ambush her later. "

I stood in somewhat disbelief as this guy who had once thought to fight me seriously, and had blamed me for ruining his life when Wendy dumped him, was actually a good friend now and... dependable? If I wasn't in my right mind I might believe weirdmageddon might be returning. Yet I soon smile as I wave to him as he heads up the paved path, heading towards town to walk home and leaving me to head towards the Mystery Shack. Life felt so upside down from what was planted in my mind all those winters ago, sure Robbie stopped being a jerk but I guess I really didn't notice him around as much because he became a part of the group again. Maybe life wouldn't be so bad... at least suck less if Wendy truly didn't want to see me again.

=Author notes. I am posting a bit more because this story likely won't be short, I am a huge hater of wrapping up stories so I will avoid rushing any side path or skipping over events needlessly. I want this to be an experience as if you were watching an entire season.. so please let me know what you think and please star me up if you like my work. =

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