Part 49: The Catalyst

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(( So before you all start you might notice this is the longest chapter I have done. I was about to split it up but then once again thought of a better course. Hope you all enjoy ;) Sorry my posting slowed down, but good news or bad... Last Chapter soon. ))

" YOU?! " A roar came up as the giant dog head turned towards me as I was rounding his shoulder, unlocking the power boost and punching it to use the front cage. With a ramp off a large bump that was likely the collar bone of his being, I slammed square between the eyes of Omega and rolled forward off of him, the roll cage along with the full composite body of the car made the impact and pressure keep the shape all intact and without a single dent.

" That's right it's me! Your brother says hello! " I yelled out the open window as my grin surely was annoying him to no end while I landed on his other shoulder and drove off to the curved wall. The spikes carrying me to the ground before they retract and I swerve just barely to avoid the boney foot that tries to smash me into oblivion. Though quickly his attention is taken back as more volleys of beams hit him square in the chest, sending him back into another side of the wall away from Bill, making him safer for now 

I knew this was all overflooding my senses, I could feel the slight swerve I made because I was almost drunk on new sights, my brain rapidly reminding me I was alive again as the air itself burned in my lunges... and yet nothing stopped me from hitting the gas to ride my way right where I needed to be. Nothing in this world meant anything if I could not enjoy what was right before me.

I pulled around the edge of the road left leading to this place, she stood there watching with her arms holding herself in fear and hope, pain and joy. As I came close enough, I stepped out from the driver's seat as the car pulled away from me, leaving me to walk away from the skidding car which parked almost right beside her own. A wide smile on my lips as I reached up to give her a slight wave and before I knew it, I was lying face down and groaning as I had not just tripped, but landed right at her feet with my dust cloud still fading back to the earth.

" Cooler in your head eh? " I hear Wendy's voice with that little held-back laugh under her breath. I give a simple nod. " Trying to impress me so I wouldn't be mad eh? " Another nod. " And you probably practiced a really cool dip maneuver for when you reached me eh, Dipper? " Teasing my name and my technique, I knew she loved me. I nodded and began to pull myself up as I shifted to sit on my knees, and there she was crouching where would have been right above my head almost.

" Heh, I mean... I figured a Queen deserves to have her Knight show his grand techniques eh? " I jested cheekily with my hand rubbing the back of my head, yet she would simply move closer and kneel in front of me before cupping my cheek as tears began to escape down her cheeks.

" A Knight who will always be my King. " And like that she took my lips and kissed me in such a fiery passion that we barely could let the roars, the explosions, and the rumblings disturb us for these few moments we had with each other until she brushes her nails up my jaw and leads me to stand before her, looking up to me and adjusting my coat for me with a bit of a smirk. " Now go be a hero. We are all here, just do your thing... Mason. " Saying my real name with such a hint of love that I could have fallen for her all over again. 

" You got it! " I snuck a quick peck of her lips and rushed away back into my car as I flipped the center console open and typed in a few keys. " T.R.O.N.! When you get back in your car punch that in and heads out! I'll get McGucket to start up the final defenses. " I smiled wide to her as she did back, giving me a wink and shoo-ing me away a moment later. With a few kicked-up rocks and a small dust cloud, I was off and heading out towards an old spaceship that had begun to become even more exposed than what McGucket had torn up while we stripped it.

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