Part 8: One in a Million

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First off I wanted to say sorry for delaying this by a couple of weeks. Kinda been down and I didn't want to give you guys something half hearted.

"Come on Bro! I am sure this will blow over-r-r." Rolling that R was a little funny as Mabel shook my arm, making me rock on my bed as I was trying to read up on my newest book. This time something more comic book instead of another mystery. I groaned faintly and reached about to swat her away a little bit.

" She's right Mabel. I left her here. Ya she isn't so weak to depend on me, I was a kid... but imagine if Grenda or even Candy just stopped face timing you. What if they stopped talking all together? You freaked out that week they were here during that freak storm and all power was out except for the mall. " My hand gestures back towards our window just to gesture to the world before turning and sitting up on my arms a bit.

" Pssh that is because I am overactive. You can't tell me I wouldn't flip if you suddenly.... Sudd... " Mabel was never good at even joking about this subject, but she was good at forgetting that she hated it till this point. She began to shake a bit and cover her face before I was hugging her close to me and giving her those sacred twin pats to her back.

"I'm still here Mabel, nothing happened to me... " it wouldn't be easy anytime soon, it hadn't been for almost five years. Though we were healing, much still hurt none the less. I soon let go of her as she wiggles her hands to my chest to push off me gently. I smile a bit and pat my right arm a couple of times to show I was all there. " See...? We survived Bill, we can survive anything. "

" Don't you forget it! " Her voice still had a bit of stressed tone, but her smile was finally showing again as she wipes her eyes of the faint tears that had began to form. Pointing straight at me and exclaiming. " You will survive this too! Wendy needs you as much as you needed her. She just has to remember. " She stood so naturally confident when she was calm, it was amazing.

" I think the problem are the memories... even the eraser gun wouldn't have done anything to help this. " I chuckle and rub the back of my head before Mabel began walking off as she stops at the door and spins about to hold out her arms in exclamation.

"Even the pain of our past can lead to a wonderful future! Now I am off to smother Waddles, he's gotten so lazy. " Mabel giggles as she rushes off to find that large pet of hers, soon though I sigh and grab my phone, slipping into my sandals and heading outside with my wireless headphones being adjusted for comfort. Once I was walking, I began to play the song "Hey Brother"{{Play video}

Soon I had made my way into town with my hands resting inside of my jean shorts , sure jorts weren't considered cool, but they felt a heck of a lot better, besides these at least covered my knees when I had to work around the shack.

Passing by Susan's diner, I had began to think of the gnomes we fought off, they constantly "Stole" pies, when really Susan just loved to make them food. They could feed everyone with one of her meat pies. Along the square as I made my round, I waved to the Mayor, remembering how he gave Gruncle Stan a good run back in the day, only winning because we got disqualified out of the running.

The arcade that was open air on the side of the mall was rather new, replacing many of the one or two machines that use to sit inside the pizza place and the fast food style Italian shop. Rumble McSkirmish would be elated to see how many fighting games he could zap into. So many faces of people who were all smiles to see me and welcome me when I put my headphones away to talk or even stopped and helped out with little chores people were doing. They offered me drinks for the warm summer day, but I waved away any cash offered, I did it to thank them for the home we found in this town.

Yet I stopped cold as I looked upon the lone store built from treated logs, of course that was the outside, inside it was a pretty normal building except for the size really making it stand out for what it was, the new local furniture store. Turns out lumbering was beginning to wear on Manly Dan. Here he could still chop down trees, but he was so skilled, he even used the sawdust to make the papers for his sale tickets and flyers, honestly it was amazing what he could do and Wendy was no.... Or lord.

Inside the store I could catch sight of Wendy walking a couple along the sales floor, they had began buying in town for glass and metal joints they needed, and it showed in the work I had been shown from their catalog, it was loud to say the least but it really showed off their work. Though a lot of their stuff was bought out of state lately on custom jobs. Robbie had taken up the job of delivering everything within the state, though it was often the mass orders of their smaller business for fishing rods and boats that really sold, simple but they were less likely to sink than most so called brand names.

I stood still for a few minutes, watching as Wendy was approached by her older brother, he had taken up the Manager role so Manly Dan could remain working at home or in the workshop in town, lot easier to move something from down the street when it was done. While they were talking to the couple over prices, I jolted up and awake when her brother caught sight of me, still wearing his hair a bit low, I could tell he was merely from that nose that poked out every time. Flipping to a new song I turned and began back down the street before he could get her attention to let her know I was there at all.

After a few minutes I reached the Gleeful car lot where I was greeted by a familiar, if not surprising voice. " Why Dipper Pines, What a delight! " I took my time to look but it was odd to hear that line from Gideon's mouth as I rose a brow and gave a half hearted smile from being so unsure of this encounter.

" Gideon... wow man. You look great! " I really only knew what rumors had been said about Gideon, he was not quite thin but he wasn't sporting pudge anymore, he definitely is a bulkier man like his father.

" Ha. Right? Well I would say I outdid myself but this was after a lot of hard work. The guys kept me on a pretty good workout, though as you can see they still know the best place to get a steak! " Giving my arm a little shove with his own he laughs out in that high tone, he hadn't lost that much but it wasn't nearly as... chalkboard being raked sounding.

" Heh. Wow, really though you look good, even with the steak. So how long have you been back? Mabel didn't tell me any gossip on you. " Gideon would blink a bit at the mention of her name and I instantly regretted that, I didn't want to get him hopeful, and yet he soon smiled and chuckled out.

" Oh I just got in this mornin' Dad is finally feeling better after his surgery and I wanted him to relax. He is on vacation for a week in Vegas, I think he is just going to scout for a new lot to take over. " We both laughed faintly at that, his father had grown rather successful with cars, mostly the advertising part that really brought in the money. 

" That is real cool Gideon, well hey I might be looking for a car soon... need something to haul groceries and eventually ride to school in. Think you can hook me up? " What the hell, he was more popular around town after Weirdmageddon, being a sort of quick solving police force with his biker friends, and even rebuilding much of the town with them as they were quite the handy manpower outside of Manly Dan.

" For you Dipper? Of course! Though... I might be swayed for a sweeter deal for a date with Mabel. " He leaned in suggestively for me to figure out what was clearly obvious. Yet as I began to give the "The hell" look, it was just after that he laughs out and slaps my back suddenly, I had worn a simple white T shirt that was luckily not showing any stains from the long day. Though I froze and he coughed as his hand pulled away swiftly. " O' Dip Dip I'm just pullin' your leg. Just drop by sometime this month, I will be around that long before going back to school. "

" Thanks Gideon. And.... Thanks... " I said faintly at the end as I knew he felt it. I chuckle and wave to him as I walk off, putting my headphones back in and resting my hands into my pockets. Even for that little flinch, it was good to see Gideon had become a bit more human than he once was, Bill likely had his claws into most of the town without them knowing, and Gideon was smart enough to figure out what was happening long before anyone else could.

" Oh and Dipper! If you see it possible... I know I don't deserve it but can you tell Mabel something! " I looked back to see Gideon calling out as I took one headphone out before the music fully muted the world. Yet it was for that time that I wasn't sure if I wanted to smile or gag from the words he spoke, more from how Mabel might react. " Tell Mabel she's a Million in one! "

I cracked a smile and gave a thumbs up as I continued along the path, chuckling to myself while putting the headphone back in. " I thought it was one in a million. "

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