Part 10: A forgotten Pain.

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I had found the old spear that once was meant for the Multi-Bear, thankfully that weapon was worn to a near walking stick, even if it was... now that I think about it a rather sick weapon made from the bone of a giant Manotaur. I digress though as i made my way to the peak where I could already hear the rumbles and cheers from all of them as they had taken out the last few layers of the mountain to create a larger cave, most people likely noticed but after the battle, not many cared of a little change to the cliff edges.

My boots were so much comfier today because I actually got to use them, but still it was a bit rough to keep them on once I reached the mouth of the cave, which was oddly not entirely a mouth but a carved out entrance that had a wall and door inside, one that was open but still, not bad from the old design of... well a pure cave. Laying my boots just inside by the wall, I slip my socks off as well and adjusted myself to somewhat properly greet whoever may answer as my hand rasps against the door and I step back, not wanting a random hand or head to whip out and knock me off the cliff.... again.

After a few moments I could hear them quiet down a bit as a few muttered and others yelled as if demanding someone to get the door, all likely having been mid cheer as soon enough I was greeted to that dull smell hitting me face on while a familiar face stuck half his body out and looked around... right over me still. " Hey... I think those kids are prankin' us again! " I can hardly hold in my chuckle before his head snaps down, almost putting us face to face while I lift my arm and wave with the tip of the spear.

" Long time no see brother. " I know I wasn't bulky still, but I was worried too much changed on me to be noticed by these guys, and honestly worst case I might get chased away. Yet it would be a second later and I was welcomed with a most loud roar.

" Brother Dip!!! " His veins were sticking out like logs from his neck as he reaches out and grips both my arms, I had only a moment to wonder  if whiplash was going to be the end of me before I was pulled inside and hoisted onto his shoulder with a loud laugh and cheerful exclaim to everyone inside. " Multi! Brothers! Brother Dip has returned! "

" Heh, Hey everyone. " The roar that rushed past me was almost enough to send me right off my friend's shoulder before I clenched onto a bit of his hair to keep balance... ish. Everyone storming up as their concrete floor had to be rather thick under all the rubber mats as they seemed well kept. No doubt Soos kept in contact after the battle to get them stuff, tourist likely wouldn't be too keen on their size so easily.

"Woah you're still so tiny! Not as Tiny but still! "

"Right? Oh and look. " One lifts my arm as I am brought down to stand between a few of them, their reach easily giving me room as their shoulder to shoulder was like a small hut. " He has muscle! Finally getting there eh brother?! " I laughed out and nodded in reply for now before a couple of them stepped aside and a tired Multi-Bear came wandering up closer.

" Multi. Hey friend... it's been too long. " I call out before he reaches me and I shake his paw, we smile and his heads all shift about to look to me a few times as I glance and nod to each. Soon enough he shoves me back playfully and I am caught by Manotaur's hand.

" Indeed it has been too long dear friend Dipper. Back for good or just visiting? " I knew they all were wondering as I nod a little and rub the back of my neck, my other hand putting the spear aside as I walk from the group to the wall nearby to prop it up.

" I am going to be around for a while at least. I got back a bit ago but I guess today I really needed to meet up with all of you again. I was wondering if we could train like old days... and Multi I know you have the best soundtracks. " A few of the Manotaurs roared and others just nudged, all laughed and smiling wide as Multi would scratch under his highest head.

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