Part 27: Friends in the Wrong Places

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Little was known about every journey Gruncle Stan and Ford went on, but as we unloaded our boxes into our new rooms, me and Mabel were getting a basic idea from all the decorations they put up, artifacts that wouldn't make sense to the normal person, and in a home of two old men, well lets just say nobody would figure them to be real.

" Hey Dipper, gooooooonnnnaa poke ya! " Mabel calls out as I sidestep just fast enough to avoid a rear end full of trident, making me stumble and fall into my empty boxes as my brows furrowed at my random sister who was having a giggle fit at my expense.

" Har har har. You should put that back... last thing we need is a water bottle launching through a window. " I said knowing a little bit of the story, but again it was part of Ford and Stan's letters they sent us on their travels, vague and filled with a lot of, Tell you next time we see you.

" Partypooper, you know I can handle weapons of mass destruction, I use to clean your underwear remember? " Pointing the trident at me as I felt myself go a bit red and stutter for a moment, once more she caught me off guard and would laugh her way out of our room, joined by a simple sliding door, a rather nice way to keep us connected when we just needed to be.

Pulling myself up, I would lay out my clothes to put up later while my books were all set aside to take into the basement that Ford and Stan were outfitting, honestly it was more like a bunker from one of those comic stories at this point since McGucket was tunneling another connection to his own system under the town, that T-Rex head was a great beta test for McGucket's rubble clean up. Now he could move it all on an automated AI that was able to carry more with a twisting fiber cable system supporting it's lifting power.

Putting the books into a cleaned out box, I soon left my room and tapped my foot on the door to Mabel's side.

" Heading down, wanna come or still decorating? " All I got was a squeal with a giggle fit to join after, more or less her common fun having sounds that gave me the out to head off before she could think of something she would want from the kitchen. Stepping into the elevator in the lounge room, I still had a grin from how Batman it felt just to have a secret elevator, once the bookshelf was placed over the metal door and properly placed on the railings that would move it out of sight only to slide back and cover up the entrance.

A soft hum in my throat would play a bit of random songs as they hit me, not really sure what I wanted to hear for now while I soon paused when an echo rang through the hanger like room.

" Stanley you can't be serious! Look we talked about this with Dipper already there is no reason he needs.... "

" Ford, listen, you're my brother, but there ain't no way that we can just let--- " Their voices quieted down as they went into the tunnel, mostly I could tell they were talking but it was mostly the sound of their voices over anything understandable. I walk out when the elevator dings the ground level and make my way into the office station we set up midway up the back wall of the basement, it was nice to be able to look out onto the test floor and to......

" A Golden-ado... " At the far side of the room, there was a blacktop roadway leading into the tunnel that currently was occupied by a large open cab truck, the brand was expensive but clearly the engine was modified and the frame changed out, honestly McGucket hated modern cars so he likely just wanted most of the basic parts to avoid having to mold new ones. The other car was something a little surprising to see, an older car, it looked like an 80's Nisan that was updated to something more suited for modern style, Tron had nothing on this upgrade, it was sleek but looked more spacious than a normal sports car, like a Sedan with a full body, most of the design hiding the second set of seats.

" Ah Dipper! My boy, seems you found McGucket's gifts, they aren't for the road but more emergencies. As you can see they have all wheel drive and tires created by yours truly, ten times better grip and stronger than that mass produced stuff. " Ford came walking back in with Stan heading off in another direction, simply giving me a smile before slumping in his usual way to head off and continue work.

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