Part 33: To the Falls

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The day arrived and the town square was ablaze with booths, food, merchandise, and all kinds of games that people had fun making to make fun of that horrible event. Honestly, it was rather something as I looked all about and saw the Mayor making small speeches on the main stage, setting up for the live bands who were getting ready while down every other street were markers and signs showing what had happened and where, and who was saved.

" It's something right? " Wendy chirped up to me as I found reality again in her voice, her hand in my own and her head adorned with my old Pine tree hat, something like a necklace now as she always was fiddling with the bill like it was a comfort item. 

" Something is definitely right. You said this happens every year? " True we were told ahead of time of this event but honestly, till now, we were lost on the fact that it was real till now. A blow-up of every member of the original zodiac was floating behind city hall while our images were holding onto the top of the building, striking poses as if our Gruncles had given the detail of how heroic we looked right before distracting Bill one last time.

" Ya, everyone in town thought of making it about the mayhem, but in the end, we all wanted to celebrate you guys. Then when we explained how you guys won in the face of it all, they added us... and I look ridiculous. " Wendy lowered the cap some, her blow-up had her in that chill pose she was so used to in her teens.

" I dunno, I think your ass might be a bit small up there. " Teasing her some as the image was a bit cartoony, and curves weren't a factor. Yet the pain would be as I feel a slug to my chest and her smiling glare would sit right on me like a target for my jugular.

" You Dipper Pines are heading the right way for breathing issues. " She knew it, I knew it, everyone in town knew it, her raw strength could put me in a coma if she so desired. Yet even so I didn't give up on my training with the Manataurs, and I knew Mabel and my teacher would be remiss if we let all our training go to waste and show up just to toss us around for forgetting.

" Maybe, but it would have been worth it for that flustered blush. " Wendy could turn just as bright red as her beautiful hair if I worded everything right. Soon leaning in under her cap to tilt my head and steal a soft kiss of her lips, making her brighten a bit more and giggle nervously, we weren't public, but by now everyone knew we were together and honestly I just loved the idea of being out in the open with her close and not second-guessing our status. 

We could have spent hours just like that, in fact, the most nights we had together we were just like that, watching movies, staring into one another's eyes, just being us without anything to dictate the time we had together. While Wendy led me around, I was greeted by everyone and their closest family who knew about the events here, though most technologies were ruined, a few cameras made it and for the government and their families, they kept all the evidence for sake of proper preparations in the future.

" Dipper! " I hear a yell and up scampers the Mayor, his skinny frame still did well inside the suit he had made to make him less boney looking, but hell one couldn't miss that neck. " Dipper my boy you and Mabel are guests of honor here don't forget! At the end of the main festivities, we are going to call you two up to the stage and we want a speech! Now don't feel too pressured to deliver something amazing but it's your twos first year back, and everyone is just ecstatic to hear about it. " 

" Heh Ok, um I will think of something, thank you Mayor Cutebiker. " I reach out shaking his hand before he looks over to Wendy having realized I wasn't alone finally.

" Oh looky here the cute couple is finally together! You know you two were so different in height that I was completely caught off guard when I saw you walking anywhere near Wendy here and it made it clear just how much you'd grown! " He laughed so timidly but he was a good guy through and through. His arms sitting on his hips while Wendy just smiled and toyed with her hair a bit.

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