Part 6

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Noah POV

Okay, maybe I overreacted a little bit. But I was so exited!! I'll probably regret acting like that later on, but right now, I didn't have a care in the world.

I loved rom coms, and kissing booth was one of my favourites. But I have no idea what to wear!! I should just ask Olivia, she always has opinions on things, wether her opinions are necessary or not, she doesn't give a shit.


"what should I wear? formal, casual, or formal-casual?"
                          Sent at 4:17 pm


"seriously Noah? Casual, obviously. We're going to a movie, not a wedding or a restaurant"
                          Sent at 4:18 pm

I chucked my phone onto my bed and sighed. Casual it is. I really wanted to wear my button up shirt too. But I guess I'll just stick with the grey t-shirt and the black jeans. It was probably my best, casual, outfit. But before getting changed, I took a quick shower.

I can't believe I'm going on a date... With an actual girl!! I should probably be more freaked out about this, but I'm not. I'm exited more than anything. After my shower, I went and got changed. I looked good.

I'm always so insecure about myself, but right now I could honestly say that I looked somewhat decent. And after fixing my hair and picking the right shoes it was time to go, well almost. It was 6:15 and I decided to pick her up at 7, so there was still half an hour to kill. But I didn't want to spend that half an hour sitting at home, so I decided to go to Rox for a bit, drink some more coffee before leaving.

So I left the empty house and drove away. I began singing, and by singing I mean belting, songs from the Bluetooth connection to my phone. And you better believe I was singing Disney.

I'm not actually that bad of a singer. I used to be in junior musicals as a kid, I was so confident back then, I have no idea what happened to me. I just lost all my confidence so it was no more musicals for me. I even managed to snag a main roll once or twice. I got to play Aladin when I was 10 and Prince Navine from Princess and the frog when I was 12.

Buts it's been a while since I had sang this loud. When I arrived at the parking lot of Rox, I continued singing until the song was done. Smiling to myself after for hitting the last, high note. And I'm sure you already guessed what song I was singing, and if you didn't, I'm disappointed in you. Just kidding, I will never be disappointed in you.

Anyway, the song was finished so I stepped out from my car and made my way inside the small cafe. I stood by the counter and the hot waiter was the one taking my order.

"The usual?" he asked. I was still somehow feeling confident enough to talk to him.

"you know my usual drink already?" I asked, a little surprised.

He just nodded and typed the drink into the machine. "Is it just the one drink?" he asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I left the house early because I hate it there, but I couldn't pick her up early because we'd already agreed on 7" I laughed. And then I payed for my coffee.

"You two close then?" he asked whilst making my coffee.

"Not at all, actually. We only met last Friday and made a deal with eachother, and that deal turned out to not be as great as we'd both thought" I said laughing again and scratching the back of my neck. "All I really know about her is her name and the other stuff you cover during small talk" I shrugged.

The hot waiter nodded thoughtfully at my words before finishing the coffee and passing it to me.

"Thanks" I said cheerfully, happy to hold a cup of coffee in my hands. I then made my way over to my usual table, but with one less person this time. I didn't really mind though, I actually enjoyed my time there without Olivia.

When the time hit 6:45, I had already finished my 2nd cup of coffee and was about to have my third before the hot waiter told me what the time was.

"oh shit, you're right. Thanks for the coffee! I'll probably see you tomorrow morning but I probably won't have as much confidence as I do now" I told him before exiting the building. The waiter waved me a goodbye and I returned the wave.

Stepping into my car again made me feel both nervous and exited. But I turned my Disney music on again and started belting out the words and I began the drive to Olivia's.

It's always a short drive from Rox but it felt too short this time. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun. I beeped the car horn to let Olivia know I was here, and as soon as I did, I watched as she ran across her garden and slide into the passenger seat.

"You ready?" I asked her. She gave me a nod and then we were off. I hope my first date with a girl goes well.

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