Part 7

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Olivia POV

The date was going well so far, Noah was still confident and smiling which I found to be slightly terrifying.

He had brought us some popcorn and a large coke to share, but also two other medium cokes for ourselves when the large one runs out. And after that we made our way into the theatre.

After bout 5 minutes of searching for our seats, we finally found them and sat down. We placed the shared drink and popcorn in between the two of us, and kept our own drinks at our sides. We promised not to touch the popcorn during the adverts and we both kept that promise, but as soon and the film began, we took a large handful of popcorn each. We didn't even flinch when our hands grazed each other. In fact, we didn't even care.

In movies, when somebody accidentally brushes their hand against yours, the main character always seems to flich slightly at the contact, but there was no fucking flinching here! This just proves that movies are lies!

But throughout the film, me and Noah shared many grazing of the hand, but neither of us gave a shit, and neither of us were ever going to give a shit. Usually Noah would be a huge blushing mess and I'm kind of hoping that that Noah is back tomorrow.

Well anyway, the movie ended and the smile on Noah's face was enough to make me smile, I could tell he enjoyed the film. And now we were both hungry.

Noah led us outside the cinema and into his car, he then played some dinsey music. Would now be a good time to tell him that I don't like Disney? Probably not, he'd probably kill me. Nah, he's too timid for that. But they always say the quiet ones are the most dangerous.

Noah started to drive off and within minutes we were outside a pizza restaurant, and all I wanted to do was eat 7 boxes to myself. But I decided not to and just to share the 1 box with Noah. I'll have to order more boxes when I get home.

The meal was nice and so was the company, he ended up opening up to me a little more but throughout this whole time, I just couldn't help but feel as though this wasn't a date. It was more like a hangout with the friend that everyone asks if your dating when your actually just friends. And honestly, I was okay with that. But then that brought the memory back into my head about why we were doing this shit in the first place, we needed to fall in love.

I mentally groaned at the effort I was going to have to put in but then I remembered we still had 55 days. There was no need to rush this.

I quickly finished my last slice of my half. And I was about to ask is I could have Noah's slices too, but before I could speak he spoke first.

"okay, so there are 2 slices left, I'll take one and you take the other, whoever finishes first wins, the loser buys coffee in the morning".

He really thinks he can win in an eating challenge against me? Bullshit. I'm the queen of food.

"Game on." I said, already prepared to take him down.

He counted down from three and as soon as he said go, we were both eating pizza like monsters.

Within my first bite, half the pizza was already gone and it would have only taken one more bite, but before I could swollow my first chunk, Noah had already finished.

What the fuck?!?

"I want a rematch!" I shouted, he just laughed moronicly and shook his head. Even though I had lost, and I was feeling bitter about it, his laugh just seemed to make me smile. And eventually I began laughing alongside him.

Shortly afterwards, we left the pizza place and headed home. I gave him some coffee money and he would use it to buy the coffee in the morning.

When he dropped me home, I saw a familiar car parked along the pathway. And I immediately felt happier because of it. I kissed Noah on the cheek and then left, waving him a goodbye. And then I stepped inside the house.

"I'm home!" I shouted. At first I thought that maybe he wasn't actually here, but then I heard some footsteps running up beind me.

In a matter of seconds my whole body was lifted up off the ground and the dropped again, and there he was, standing behind me, my brother.

"hey Little sis" he said, his goofy smile making its way into my face.

"Hey Big bro, how's college life treating you?" I asked. I hadn't heard from my brother in weeks, which was kind of unusual since we used to talk everyday without fail. So to say I was worried about him was an understatement.

"Busy. Really fucking busy", he pulled me into another hug and I felt myself relax in his embrace. God I missed my brother.  I just hope he's not here because he fucked up again. Because if he's taking those drugs again, I swear I'll make him wish he hadn't.

I was too tired to ask him that though, and instead told him that I'd talk to him in the morning, before school. Which he happily agreed to. So then I went to my attic bedroom, and changed into my pyjamas.

My fucking stupid brother was back. And I couldn't be happier about it.

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