Part 30

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Noah POV

I snuggled against Tyler's warmth, his fingers gently pushing through my bed hair. I smiled warmly at the feeling, my eyes still not fully open as sleep threatened to take over me again.

"Morning" I said groggily, burying my face further into Tyler's side.

"Morning princess, how did you sleep?" he hummed. His hand continued to caress my hair, rubbing at my scalp and I let out a content sigh, loving the way his touch made me feel.

"Mmhn" was all I could get out before my eyes started closing again, Tyler's warmth was too comfortable.

I heard him let out a chuckle, his body moving in short quick movements, shaking my own body slightly. I smiled at the sound of his laughter, the sound acting like a symphony to my ears.

"Goodnight Noah" he spoke sweetly. He kissed the top of my head and I drifted off into another peaceful sleep.


"I'm not saying Elsa is a bad queen, I'm just saying that she could be better. She abandoned her responsibilities and ran away! What type of queen does that!" Tyler ranted whilst baking cupcakes for the cafe.

"You can't blame a girl for wanting to be free" I said chuckling. Ever since I got him to watch Frozen he will not shut up about it, he'll either be talking about how much he hates Hans or how much he hates Olaf. I know, hating Olaf is a crime and I have hit him on the head many times because of that.

"I can and I will. There's a difference from being free and running away" he sighed.

"But what if you have to run away to be free?" I questioned, smirking at him as he turned to give me a glare.

"The she should have ran away further" he huffed. He gets so pissy about a kids film it's adorable.

We were silent for a few moments as I watched Tyler decorate the cupcakes, his tongue sticking out in pure concentration as he squeezed the icing into a heart shape. Ugh, is he ever not adorable? Well, he is also extremely hot, but that's beside the point.

"Hey Tyler, can I ask you something?" I questioned, breaking the comfortable silence. He answered with a hum and I tried to think of the best way to word my next question. I'll just ask him straight up, I know he'll answer honestly.

"If you have a home to go to, why do you always insist on sleeping here with me?" I bit my lip nervously as I asked. I wasn't going to ask him at first but then I got too curios, he never brought it up as an issue so I never felt the need to question it until now, but like I said, I got curios.

"My foster home isn't that friendly, they don't care enough about the kids there and I don't really like spending my time with them, so I wanted to spend my time with you instead. Does that make you uncomfortable?" he asked, a frown etched onto his handsome features.

"No, no. It doesn't make me uncomfortable. I sleep better when you're around anyway. I also eat better, smile more, laugh more and blush more when you're around, you've made me happier than I've been in years, so please, stay by my side" I said that last bit quietly but he seemed to have heard it, he had a smile so soft on his face you'd think it was a blanket.

"I already promised you that I would last week, didn't I?" he said, the smile not leaving his lips and I smiled back, my heart skipping a beat as he kissed my hand lovingly.

"Yeah, you did. Now hurry up and finish these cupcakes! I wanna watch Rapunzel!" I shouted excitedly, rushing out of the kitchen and heading into the room where me and Tyler were staying. I could hear Tyler call out 'it's called tangled' as he laughed, the sound echoing around the building and I smiled again, dumping my body onto the bed before getting the movie ready on his laptop.

He returned a few minutes later and immediately took his apron off, chucking it on the floor. After that he came and laid beside me, his arm already finding itself in the comfortable position around my waist. I leaned into his touch as I pressed play, my head now resting against his shoulder.

We sang along to the songs, laughing together and smiling like dorks at each other, making comments about the funny looking chameleon and sticking our tongues out childishly at mother gothel whenever she made an appearance. It felt perfect.

And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything is different
Now that I see you

I looked into Tyler's eyes as the song played and found that he was already looking into mine, the movie soon becoming background noise as his green eyes entranced me, like a siren singing to a sailor, lulling me into the sea for an untimely death. I kept my gaze on him for longer, and I remembered all he had done for me, everything he had gone through for me, and I smiled.

Now that I see you.

"Thank you" I said to him, tears brimming at my eyes. I brought his hand to my lips and kissed his palm gently, and he seemed to understand. "Thank you so much".

He pulled me in closer, kissing my cheek and resting his hand there, pulling my chin up softly with his other hand so I was looking into his eyes once again.

"You are an amazing, beautiful and kind person, Noah. I'm sorry you never had anyone to tell you that before, so I'm going to say it to you everyday until you get sick of it. And I promise, for as long as I live, I'm never going to leave you alone, I care about you too much to do that" his words made my tears start to fall, my heart bursting and my cheeks warming. I clung onto him, by arms wrapping around his waist as my face pressed against his shoulder. His hand rubbed up and down my back, tracing the outline of my spine with his fingers. "I promise" he whispered again, kissing my temple.

We stayed curled against each other for the rest of the movie and I couldn't wipe the loving smile off my face. I felt so happy, so safe, so fucking wonderful here with Tyler, and I never wanted to leave. He became my everything as soon as he showed me kindness, I was his problem now, and he seemed to take that in with pride.

I nearly blurted out that I loved him right there, but I didn't. Not yet. But it was obvious to me now, I had fallen in love with Tyler, and this time, I wasn't scared.

I was happy. I was truly happy. And I was lying in the arms of the boy I loved, even if he didn't love me back, I knew that I would always be his princess. Afterall, he made a promise.

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