Part 37

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Olivia POV

Me and Miller were snuggled up on the sofa, pieces of popcorn all over us - thanks to our prior shenanigans. I laughed as Mia pouted, I'd managed to flick a piece right above her eyebrow.

"That was mean" she whined and I laughed and kissed her cheeks, she immediately leaned more of her weight into my side, allowing me access to kiss her forehead. We had a movie playing in the background, but we hadn't been paying much attention, too absorbed in eachother to care about the characters on the screen. And everything felt perfect.

"Do you think we're toxic" she suddenly asked, and my brows furrowed. If we were toxic, we probably wouldn't be having so much fun, right? I wouldn't be holding her like this, so what about us is toxic?

"What do you mean?" I asked, holding her in closer, as if this conversation was about to tear us apart.

"We've gone from hating eachother to being in a relationship with each other within around 2 months, we argue all the time, we get angry at eachother over the smallest things, sometimes I still feel like I hate you, and you sometimes ignore me just to make me feel like shit, and I do the same to you. We have been a little bit too forceful with each other more than once. I just don't know if..." she takes a breath "do we even know what we're doing right now?" She sighed. Her body detaching itself from mine, and I just want to pull her back into my side.

I think about everything she just said, and part of me completely understands, although I really don't want to. We haven't been as good as Noah and Tyler, have we? They seem to complement each other at all times, like a shiny trophy stand. Me and Mia are... Something else. We're the bird poo that lands perfectly on an ice cream cone, so that nobody will know the difference. But we're still... Perfect, I think. I know we're messy and far from normal, but I have never felt more loved than I am in her arms. Every second I spend with her is a memory I would never want to forget. I wish I had a photographic memory for every expression Mia made. When she's angry, her face scrunched up and her eyes narrow - she looks like a warrior ready for battle. Something most people wouldn't find adorable or endearing, but that expression is one of my favourites. When she smiles I feel like the world has collapsed beneath my feet, like I am weightless, or she is my anchor. I want her to smile everyday, and I want to be the reason why. I don't want to lose her, ever.

"No" I say. Not as an answer to her question, but in defiance to everything she just said. But from my tone alone, she knew. "No" I said again, but calmer this time, "I know we are messy at best, but I wouldn't want to be messy with anyone else. We fight, yes. We can be stupid and we can hurt each other purposefully and on accident, and we do it so often. But I can't imagine kissing anyone else, I want you to be my first kiss and my last. I want to see every expression you make, whether it's angry, happy, jealous, disgusted, judgy, I want to see it all. I want to be the one that makes you smile and even cry, I want to be there at every birthday, Christmas and all the things inbetween. If I could be with anyone, it would be you" I took a deep breath, and stared into her eyes. They were glossy with tears, and I kissed her cheek as one made it's departure.

"We are far from perfect, Mia Miller. But you are perfect for me. And I love you" I smiled, and she laughed. Tears and snot now filling her face. "You are such an ugly crier" I laughed, but immediately pulled her into a kiss which we both smiled into.

"I love you too, Liv. So much" she cried, and I kissed her all over her face, making her laugh. "We really are messy aren't we?". "Hopelessly so" I said, and we smiled at each other again.

"Does this mean you've changed your mind about us.. not working out?" I asked, my voice still filled with uncertainty. She took her time answering, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"I don't know Liv. I want us to always work out, but knowing us, it'll be a difficult task. But I know I will always try to work things out with you, I will never give up on us until we both know we need different people. I want to wake up to you every morning and see you every day, and kiss you goodnight when your eyes get that sleepy look. I want to stay with you, even if it doesn't work out in the end, I am ready to give you my all. I love you Olivia. Much more than 'one direction' did in thier song" she laughed, and I laughed too.

And we kissed for the rest of the night, painting a thousand I love you's on her body. We didn't go any further than kisses, we didn't need to. Me and her were unlike the normal teenagers that jump on anything that moves, we actually loved each other. And in time, we would take things further. But that night was perfect, better than perfect. I'd be content reliving that moment until the day I die, and every day afterwards.

Who cares if this is just 'young love'. This girl means more to me than anyone else in the world. She is the sun that lights up my entire galaxy, I would die without her.

God, I really love this girl.

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