Part 17

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Olivia POV

Waiting for Noah to finish his conversion with Tyler is like waiting for Ash Lynx to wake up at the end of banana fish, its never going to happen.

Here I am, patiently waiting at our usual table, admiring the view of the carpark. Rox has many things, decent food, good WiFi, great coffee, a good social place, but what it doesn't have is a view worth admiring. All I want is my coffee but Noah has the nerve to talk to someone before giving it to me. He's a bitch. So now I'm stuck staring at the trash bags and dirty cars.

I sneak a glance at Noah, just to see him flustered and stuttering. I need my coffee to be able to get through the conversation me and Noah are going to have. We need a new plan, and I am suggesting him staying away from Tyler, it makes me sound horrible because Noah clearly has a thing for the guy, but if we want the rest of school to stop bullying us, then it's what we have to do. Plus I already told Noah not to crush on the guy the first time we met him. Also, me and Noah are juniors, which means we still have a whole other year at the school.

I'd rather have a year of peace, than a year of torment.

And to achieve said peace, we need to convince people we're in love. And we only have 50 something days left until our timer runs out. I don't know why this challenge became such a big deal, but everyone in our school knows about it. Everyone's lives are just that boring, they focus on other people's lives instead.

So basically, Mia may have started this, but the other students are going to make sure it ends the way it's supposed to. Some people have been calling this challenge the "event of the year", which is stupid. But the fact is, If me and Noah don't prove that we're in love, the bullying will be worse for both of us. I shouldn't have dragged him into this in the first place, I shouldn't have opened my fucking mouth and said the stupid shit I said. It's my fault he's involved.

I can see Noah begin to walk towards me, and the guilt I'm feeling right now is making me ill.

He places my coffee down on the table and sits on the chair opposite me.

"So, how do we improve our plan?" he looked confident as he said it, a smile on his face. When I tell him the new plan, which I came up with last night, he probably won't be smiling anymore. I don't actually know what his expression would be.

"Noah, before I start explaining, please promise to at least listen until I'm finished. Okay?"

"Okay... But why wouldn't I listen?" He always asks the right questions at the wrong time.

"You'll understand once I explain the plan" I said, reaching out my hand to hold his. I guess this is my way of keeping him in place. It won't work, but at least I attempted. This could go on my autobiography... 'I held my friends hands to keep him seated', sounds like a best seller to me. Anyway, onto explaining the plan.

"Okay, so, the new plan will be slightly more complicated but necessary. We are no way near falling in love, and we both know that if that doesn't happen, the bullying we have experienced for so long, will be even worse. And unfortunately, we can't fall in love if there are other love interests involved. So to put it harshly, stay away from Tyler. But only for now, not forever. I know that the feelings you have for him are strong, but we can't risk anyone getting in the way. And we're trying to prove you're not gay here, so flirting with a guy all the time will be a huge mistake. If they catch you flirting with a guy, this whole fake relationship is over and we will be targets for the rest of our high school lives.

But not only do you have to stay away from Tyler, we need to spend more time with each other. That means movie nights every Wednesday, dates, romantic places with decent food, night time walks, getting comfortable with each other, cuddles and everything like that. We will spend at least an hour a day together, sometimes we will be at Rox, but you have to remember to stay away from Tyler. We will also have to kiss at some point, and do other couple stuff. Maybe we'll have to kiss at school at some point so we have to allow ourselves to feel familiar with each others lips. We really need to put in an effort, I wish that I hadn't dragged you into this but I did. I am sorry, believe me, I am. But we need to do this. I'm sorry Noah" I finished my speach and looked directly into Noah's eyes. I didn't know what he was feeling he just looked void of any emotion.

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