Part 14

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Noah POV

I sank my body further into the warm sheets. It was so cozy, so different from what my bed usually feels like. Although I was slowly waking up, I could easily drift off into another deep sleep. But I shouldn't, I should make sure Olivia is okay.

I let my eyes open slowly, adjusting to the light of the room I was in. The unfamiliar room. My brain went into immediate panic mode, but it stopped when I saw a mattress on the floor in front of the bed. And the mattress contained the body of a boy, sleeping soundly.

I was in Tyler's house. Memories from last night came back to me, I must have fallen asleep on the bench, and I bet Tyler didn't want to wake me up so he just carried me to his house. He was too nice to me. I still don't know what he meant when he said that nobody would consider him as nice because he was always so nice to me, maybe a little bit cocky, but still nice.

I saw my phone on the bedside table, so I picked it up and looked at the time. 9:12 am. This was the latest I'd ever woken up in a while. Olivia still hadn't messaged me so I'm guessing she's still sleeping.

I should probably go home now, but I have no idea where the door to leave is, and I don't know where his house is in town. Or if it is even in town. But I really don't want to wake him up. I could just look out of the window and see if I notice anything familiar. Yeah, I'll do that.

I stood up and left the comfort of the bed that wasn't mine, and I made my way to the window. I opened the curtain slightly, so that the light didn't affect the sleeping Tyler. I looked outside and I had no clue where I was, all I knew was that this house was big. I knew that he lives with a foster family, but that's all I knew. I should probably wake him up.

I made my way over to him and I sat down beside the mattress.

"Tyler?" I whispered. He responded with a groan, still stuck in a deep sleep.

"Tyler?" I whispered a little louder, he groaned again, slowly waking up.

I leant closer to him, but not too close so I won't startle him when he wakes up. This dude sleeps like a baby, I just hope he isn't angry when he wakes up.

"Tyler, I need to leave but I have no idea where this house is, and I also don't want to leave because I don't know where the exit is and I could get lost" I whispered again. He seemed to have woken up this time, his gorgeous eyes meeting my own as I gave him a sheepish smile. He smiled at me warmly, making butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Mornin' Noah~" he said sleepily, his words carried a little longer than necessary. He looks so cute with his bed hair, I just want to run my fingers through his curls. Fuck, I really like him.

"You're cute when you blush, what are you thinking about?" I swear this dude is gonna make my heart explode. I rolled my eyes at him and laughed a little.

"I was thinking about ways to get you to shut up, so far the only thing I've come up with is taping your mouth closed" I said, trying my best to act serious. He just chuckled at me.

"I don't think that's something to make a person blush... Unless my mouth being taped is a secret sexual-" yeah, I was not letting him finish that sentence. I covered his mouth with my hand, shutting him up.

"well, I just found another way to shut you up" I smiled, I could feel him smiling against my hand, but it wasn't a smile I liked, it was somewhat mischievous. But before I could move my hand away, he licked it. "Ew! Tyler" I said as I jumped my hand away from him. He just laughed at me loudly. But hearing him laugh took away any anger I felt, and I soon began laughing with him.

"Do you want breakfast before you leave?" he asked me once we had calmed down. I stood up and started gathering my things whilst shaking my head no, even though I was absolutely starving. I just didn't want to be a burden. But the second I shook my head, my stomach gave me away. I swear, my stomach has never grumbled as much as it did just then. I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly as he chuckled. "come on then" he said getting up from the mattress.

As soon as the sheets were removed from his body, I realised that the boy was shirtless, and he was only in his boxers. And holy shit did he have a good body! He had an eight pack for fucks sake! And his skin looks so smooth too, is this dude a god? He's hot. He's cute. He's absolutely fucking gorgeous. How the fuck is he even real??

"Like what you see?" he asked, I immediately snapped my eyes away from his body. A deep shade of red found its way to my cheeks as I turned around to face the direction that wasn't him. He laughed at me gently whilst he put on some clothes.

"You can turn back around now" he said, an obvious smile in his voice. I did as I was told, not daring to look up at him in fear of being teased. "You're too cute".

I looked up at him and rolled my eyes fiercely "shut up". He laughed a little as he lead the way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I sat down on a stool beside the kitchen counter, and I watched as he gathered some eggs, bacon, sausage, hashbrown and bread for the toaster. I smiled at all the food hungrily.


The food was ready and Tyler sat down on the stool beside me. We both had a plate full of food and I couldn't wait to get stuck in. We had talked a little whilst he was cooking, mostly about the type of foods we liked. Apparently he loved Chinese food the most, but he rarely had it. I promised him a Chinese at some point, if he ever found his way to my house.

I took a large chunk of a sausage and shoved it in my mouth. Followed by a piece of bacon and some egg.

"You didn't answer my question earlier by the way" he said, making me confused. What question? Oh, that question. "So, did you like what you saw?" he smirked at me. The cheeky bastard already knows the answer.

I glared at him. He just continued to eat whilst looking at me, his eyes waiting for my answer. The amount of times I've rolled my eyes at him today is insane.

"Fine! Yes, I like your body! You're hot and your gorgeous and I don't know why I'm talking so much but I am and I'm going to regret it very soon, so shut your mouth and let me eat". He chuckled loudly at my outburst and I gently hit his arm, making him laugh more.

This dude just loved to torment me.

We finished our breakfast and Tyler started to lead me to the front door.

"Your car is still at Mia's because I needed to take you here in one piece, so we'll need to go back there before you can go home" he said, leading me out the door and into his car.

"Thank you for making sure I was safe, Tyler. You may be a cocky bastard, but still, I forgive you" I gave him a gentle smile, which he returned.

"No need to thank me, I just couldn't deal with the dead leg any longer so I had to move you somewhere" he laughed.

We got in the car and he was driving for about 10 minutes before I recognised where I was. And it was about 5 minutes later when I realised that he wasn't driving in the direction of Mia's house. In fact, he was going the completely opposite way of where my car was.

"Tyler, why are we not going to Mia's?" I asked him suspiciously. He didn't answer and just smiled at the road ahead. "Tyler?" I said again. This time he looked at me.

"Sorry, I just want to spend more time with you. So I'm taking you somewhere else first, if that's okay" that was actually really sweet. I sighed a little before answering.

"You could have just asked me" I said laughing, "but yeah, it's fine".

He threw a fist in the air and shouted "Yes!" causing me to burst out in laughter as he softly smiled at me.

This was gonna be a good day. And I get to spend it with Tyler, the boy I barely know and he could be kidnapping me. Honestly, I wouldn't care if he did kidnap me.

This boy is too sweet to hate and too hot to be mine. He's dangerous, and I like it. For once in my life, I'm going to follow my heart instead of my head, and my heart makes me want to stay by his side. Even if it's only for a day.

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