Chapter 2 Part 1: A New Beginning

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David Vincent: It has been a few days since Kira's attack on the Sugimoto family. Our Reimi is well aware that a new timeline has begun.

We are now living in a new reality where it was Yoshikage Kira who died on August 13th 1983 instead of the Sugimoto family. But it doesn't stop there, Reimi Sugimoto has made it her life mission to prevent further tragedies & uphold her promises from the afterlife.
This is the dawn of a new era, & a bright future lies ahead for our heroes.

Now the canonical timeline from the anime is the dark one we will call Timeline Zero, it is equivalent to the Future Trunks dystopian timeline. The bittersweet timeline Emporio ended up in is referred to as the Ireneverse. The current timeline Araki is focused on is the Steel Ball run verse. For this happier timeline we can call it the Reimiverse or Timeline Pink. 

Now back to the story. After a few days of soul searching & police reports, our pink waifu is ready to return to school. At dawn's early light, she waits outside her alley for the bus. You might notice that the alley entrance she's standing in is actually real. In part 4, only Stand-users could see this entrance, but now appears to be physical. I will allow Reimi to explain things from here.

Reimi: Yes the alley I'm standing in is the real deal. Now for some history about my neighborhood. In timeline zero, my dad had quite the George Bailey effect on our neighborhood. Not only did our murders make the homes lose value, but my dad wasn't there to protect our neighborhood from the banks. After we were killed, the old lady next door died of natural causes & Rohan's family moved away to S city. Within a few years the rest of our neighbors either died or moved away. I didn't realize how much life we brought to the block. After that, the banks foreclosed on all the homes. The OWSON store built over the alley entrance. Due to the supernatural nature of our block, the entrance became Ghost Girl Alley, a hidden path visible only to Stand-users.

Officer Higashikata rides by on his bicycle.

Higashikata: Good morning Sakura, hope you're ready for school. So did you sleep well?  (VA Bruce Elliott)

Reimi: Yeah finally. How are you doing?

Higashikata: Just getting by like usual.
Reimi: Well that's good. I hope I can handle school. Let's just say I feel like I haven't been there in years.
Higashikata: Haha well, I guess trauma can do that to you.

He rides off after finishing their chat.
But she feels a presence behind her, a dark threatening vibe.

"I know you're there. How does it feel? Do you regret your actions? No, I bet you can only think of how you're gonna get back at me." She says while still facing forward.

Behind her is the spirit of Yoshikage Kira, looking just as he did when he died! He now stands in daylight in the same alley as she once did. His expression is hard to read, it's hard to tell if he is angry at her or himself.

Reimi: Fine then, I'm just glad you can't hurt anyone ever again. You'll haunt this alley as I once did, & watch me live the life you tried to steal. Just don't ever look over your shoulder.
Also know this, you may not be able to hurt me but I still can hurt you.

Pretty-In-Pink appears behind her & points her sword at Kira, giving him a scare.

Yoshikage: No way, seriously?
Reimi: Yes, my Stand can hurt ghosts.
Now hear this, your time on Earth is done. But you can still save your soul. You'll have a lot of time to think about your life.

She says to him as the bus starts to pull up. She greets the busdriver as she steps on board. It's been so long since she's seen him.
As our pink waifu walks into the bus, she sees looks of sympathy on a few of the students. Several of the guys look lovestruck & say their good mornings to her. As she walks down the aisle she sees a familiar face.

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