Chapter 6: Strength & the Emperor

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In a dark room far away, Lord Dio discusses current events with Enyaba. Dio feels the Joestars must be eliminated because they cannot be underestimated. 

Enyaba: Foolishness! You should never engage in such trivial matters! they are beneath someone of your stature. I have sent 9 Stand-users to command.
The Empress, Wheel-of-Fortune,  Strength, Temperance, the Lovers, the Hex, the Jinx, the Emperor & the Devil. All of them on the move & ready to strike whenever you call.
Thanks to these allies you need not take any action yourself Lord Dio! (VA Barbara Goodson)

David Vincent: Meanwhile in the Pacific ocean, our heroes have just survived a battle with Captain Dragon, his Deep-Blue-Moon & the sinking ship. Now Reimi, Joseph, Jotaro, Polnareff, Avdol, Kakyoin, a stowaway kid, & 10 sailors including Sirena must share a pair of lifeboats as they wait for help to arrive.

Polnareff: Thank goodness there were enough lifeboats for us. I did want to spend some time with Reimi but this is not what I had in mind. Say mademoiselle you're very gorgeous too, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Jean Pierre Polnareff, I come from the country of love known as France. (VA Doug Erholtz)
Sirius: Oh thank you, my name is Sirena. I come from Hawaii, the island of love hehe. (VA Emily Neves)
Polnareff: Oh that's nice. 
Kakyoin: And I am Noriyaki, I'm a student from Japan. (VA Kyle Hebert)
Sirius: Aloha Kakyoin, I've been there a few times. There's also a huge Japanese community in Hawaii.
Reimi: Mr. Joestar, do you have a way to contact the Foundation? (VA Kira Buckland)

As Polnareff chats with Sirius, Anne points behind them & says "Look over there!"
A rusty old freighter seems to have popped up out of nowhere. "A freighter? I didn't see it at all" remarks one of the sailors. They pull their boat up to the freighter & prepare to exit the lifeboats.

Joseph Joestar: Jotaro is something bothering you? Are you worried there could be more Stand-users on this freighter? Its not ideal but we can handle it. (VA Richard Epcar)
Jotaro: Not quite. Strange they lowered the stairs but there's not a single soul to be seen anywhere. (VA Matt Mercer)
Sirius: But how did it appear out of nowhere like this? Even under heavy fog, a large ship can't just sneak up on someone like this.
Avdol: You're right, but lets go investigate. It doesn't appear we have much of a choice. (VA Chris Tergliafera)
Polnareff: I don't care if they're all Stand-users, I'm getting on this boat. I'm done drifting in circles.
Reimi: If they at least have drinking water, it'll be worth the risk.

The heroes board the mysterious ship & begin their investigation.
The guys walk into the freighter's control room while the girls & sailors stay outside.

Joseph Joestar: Hey what's with this ship? There's no captain in the control room? There's no engineer in the radio room? There's no-one anywhere.
Polnareff: Maybe they're just in the bathroom.
Avdol: Wait someone's coming.

Then a mysterious man walks into the room from down the hall, a blonde man in his 20s with long hair & the white uniform of a naval captain.

Hol Horse: Greetings my new passengers, sorry for the hold up. I'm Captain Hall & I happen to be the captain of this ship. So what happened to your ride? (VA Imari Williams)

Joseph Joestar: We were on our way to Singapore. Ran into some sea pirates who tried to rob us. We fought them off but they sunk our yacht before they fled.

Hol Horse: Wow sorry to hear that, piracy isn't unheard of in these waters. Well lucky for you, I happen to be a former navy marine. Pirates are afraid of Marines.
Polnareff: A marine you say?
Hol Horse: And Singapore is where I happen to be headed.
Avdol: How convenient.
Joseph Joestar: Is that so? well thank you for your hospitality captain. I'm sure we can feel quite safe aboard your ship.

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