Von Stroheim's Bizarre Adventure

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In the livingroom of the Sugimoto house, a pair of KGB agents lay dead on the ground. The Sugimotos lay unconscious in their rooms upstairs. After our girl uncovers the identity of this mysterious old man with a cyborg body, they have an awkward conversation in English.

Von Stroheim: Yes, speaking in English vill be easier for ze both of us. So tell me young girl, how did you know my name? (VA Dan Woren)
Reimi: I'm a friend of Joseph Joestar & his mother Elizabeth. You & Joseph saved the world from a being of unspeakable power.

Von Stroheim: Joseph Joestar? Why does zat name feel familiar? I'm afraid you are mistaken. Za Pillarmen vere just a terrible drug trip I had. Ze Hitler regime experimented with many drugs. I must have been a test subject for one of zos drug cocktails.

Reimi: Is that so? So Joseph Joestar didn't lose his hand to the Pillarmen? There was never an ultimate lifeform?

Von Stroheim: I don't know who Mr Joestar is, but it sounds like he lost his hand in combat. Many men who fought back then lost life & limb including me.
Reimi: You're kidding me right? So how did you end up working with the Russians? Mr. Joestar & Mrs. Lisa said you were a proud German.

Von Stroheim: Yes I heard zat too from my adoptive government. It's why zey treated me poorly & implanted security explosives within me. But after being shown ze horrors of the holocaust, I was devastated about my prior service. I gave in to zere demands & worked for ze Soviet Union as a levy scientist zen as an assassin for ze KGB.

Reimi: Interesting. I notice you have a scar on your head. Did something damage your memory?

Von Stroheim: Ooh yes, in ze Great Patriotic War I received a terrible blow to my head. A metal plate in my head saved my life, though I was clinically dead for several minutes. So I technically did die at ze Battle of Stalingrad.
Reimi: That explains it. Well time to heal it up with my magic powers.

Pretty-in-Pink appears then zaps that part of Von Stroheim's skull with it's wand. Despite the many decades, the scar & damage manage to heal.

After recovering for a moment, Von Stroheim has a change of mood.

Von Stroheim: It's all coming back to me, the Joestars, ze Pillarmen, German science! Zat vas no drug trip! It vas... all real! German science is... Za greatest in ze world!

Reimi then resurrects the KGB agents before their deaths are permanent but they are knocked out by Von Stroheim.

Von Stroheim then tells her all about how he was shot at Stalingrad, lost his memory, was captured & exploited by the Soviets.

"Ze Soviet government was very close to executing me for being too much of a potential threat. However due to Operation Paperclip in ze West, ze Soviet Union was desperate for German scientists to catch up with ze West. So due to ze brain drain in Soviet occupied Germany, my life was spared & I got a new start as a Soviet scientist. Zey used me for all my worth, & I ended up working in their space program as well. I was one of ze many scientists who helped the USSR get to ze moon."

He later explained that along with being a conscript scientist, he eventually became a KGB assassin due to his cybernetics.

Reimi eventually used her Stand arrow on him to make him a Stand-user then she told him to get in contact with the Speedwagon Foundation.
He said he would take care of the KGB agents & get them off her back.
Reimi brought over Rohan to erase their memories with Heavens-Door & get the KGB off her tail for good.
While working on the short blonde haired agent, Rohan wrote some special instructions. Reimi had him write that if Agent Vlad ever takes over the kremlin, he will not become a tyrant or invade Ukraine.

Rohan: Now those big mean KGB agents will never mess with us again. I wrote they only caught you doing CPR to bring back dead people & the resurrection stuff was all a myth. They both found out that you were never at Chernobyl & they got the wrong person.

Von Stroheim: Yes anything to get off their radar. We may be crazy enough to take on Pillarmen, vampires, & Stand-users but za KGB? No thank you.

Von Stroheim successfully fled the leash of the Warsaw pact to join the free world.
He joined the Speedwagon Foundation & got in touch with Joseph & Lisa again.

Von Stroheim: Vell maiden Sugimoto, thank you for all you've done for me. You've restored my memory & my pride. And thank you for your service in Chernobyl. I should retire at my age, but I feel like I've got alot of catching up to do with ze Speedwagon Foundation.
Reimi: Yeah, that would be a great choice. I may not look like it, but I actually have a prominent position with them. I know you're 81 now but the healing I gave you should leave you revitalized.
Von Stroheim: Yes! Zat magic you used on me has made my organic parts feel 20 years younger. I've aged quite well without ze wear & tear of being fully organic.
It is nice to know zat Lisa Lisa is still with us, I look forward to our reunion.

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