Chapter 9: The Sun Lovers.

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David Vincent: Having survived their encounter with the Hex, the Jinx, & the Wheel-of-Fortune, our heroes continue on their journey through Pakistan.

Pakistan is a young country, established in 1947 following it's separation from India. But when Japan was still a hunter gatherer culture, Pakistan was home to a highly developed civilization. Here in Pakistan, the people carry on the culture of the Indian subcontinent.

Joseph Joestar: Hey a downer kebab joint! let

David Vincent: The downer kabob, it's been called the hamburger of the Middle East. A slab of meat is placed on a spit. It's outer layer roasting as it turns.

Joseph: Excuse me sir I'd like 5 of those.
Kebab salesman: That will be a thousand yen.
Joseph Joestar: A thousand yen?

David Vincent: In the Middle East, American, European, & Japanese business practices are not universal. Namely prices change & are open to negotiation. With no idea how to haggle or hustle, first time tourists can become easy prey for hagglers. But here people do not see such exploitation as a bad thing. The swindled are considered to be in the wrong.

Joseph Joestar: Oh really? Hahaha that's far too much for a handful of kebabs.
Kebab vendor: Really? How much would you buy them for?
Joseph Joestar: Make it 250 yen for 5!
Kebab vendor: Really? If I sold them for that cheap, I'd be out on the streets & my family would starve to death!
Joseph Joestar: Then maybe I'll just buy them somewhere else!

Joseph & a vendor further engage in a battle of haggling.

Kebab vendor: I usually sell 5 for 150 yen. Suckers!

As Joseph walks back to the vehicle, he has what feels like a brain aneurysm.

Joseph Joestar: what the hell is going on with me? I feel like something is in my head!

Jotaro: I think you're just going crazy old man.

Joseph Joestar: No it's not like that!

The vendor takes off his robes & reveals his true self.

Kebab vendor: Sorry but it's my job to make sure none of you make it out of here alive.

Joseph Joestar: What? You! You're telling me you're a...

Polnareff: Another filthy Stand-user.

Jotaro: Pretty dumb to just reveal yourself like that.
Reimi: What the hell were you thinking? You know we could kill you a thousand ways right?
Polnareff: Wait you do have a Stand right?

Dan: Yes I do. It's currently inside the old man, & if any of you attack me it will transmit all the damage to him.

Polnareff: No way!
Hol Horse: Wait, he does look familiar. I've heard of a Stand-user who could win battles by sending all the damage to his enemies.
This guy, is Dirty Dan. 

Dan: Hey half pint want some cash? I'll give it to you if you hit me in the leg with that broom.
Joseph Joestar: What? But why would he?

Reimi: Why does this guy feel familiar? I know I must have learned about this villain on my Joestar history tour in the afterlife, but it's like trying to remember a weird dream. What is his secret?

Dan: Now hit me!
"Ahhh" yells Jojo. The guys look over to him in shock.

Joseph Joestar: I I don't get it. It hurts! It feels like I broke my leg.

Dan: You mean you still haven't figured it out? That's so disappointing. You won't be able to see it because my Stand is planted firmly inside your brain.

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