1. Titan of the North

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The thump of the heavy armor. The earth shaking with each step it takes, wandering to no end.
They called this person the Titan of the North. Emotionless. Fearless. A monster without hesitation to kill.
Enemies call them this.
Their allies call them The Juggernaut.

Currently with the team in charge of the Doctor's rescue

As W tosses explosive after explosive at the operators, laughing while they scramble for cover.
"Come on out and play!" W says. Amiya looks at a small phone shaped object in her pocket, with a red dot approaching from behind W. Her eyes widen as W is launched into the sky, before flying into a wall.

"Backup has arrived." Nearl says, looking at the figure before them with awe. The shield, the massive hammer, and the armor... Amiya knows who it is.

"Juggernaut!" Amiya says as Juggernaut walks over to them. "Doctor, this is Juggernaut. Juggernaut, this is the doctor."

Doctor Ama looks at the massive figure in awe and fear, before Juggernaut give a little wave and she sighs. "It's nice to meet you Juggernaut."

Juggernaut simply turns and walks away.

"Where are they going?" Doctor Ama asks, watching them leave.

"They're going to distract the enemy." Nearl says. "We need to use this chance to leave."

"Juggernaut's going to fight them all alone?"

"Doctor Ama. When I say that Juggernaut is a one-person army, I mean it."

Back to Juggernaut

As Juggernaut walks down the street, Reunion forces swarm at them, hoping to strike the titan down. The Juggernaut sweeps their hammer, smashing grunts into pieces, defenders into dust, casters broken in half.

But yet the titan stands, showing no signs of damage whatsoever.

A Defender rushes at them, only to be thrown aside by the force of the hammer. A Caster fires Arts at them, only to have it bounce off harmlessly and be thrown through a wall.

This is the Titan's dance. To crush those who stands in it's way. To keep course of the mission. Soon, the Reunion forces are fleeing from Juggernaut's raw strength and impenetrable armor.

"I didn't expect to see you here." A voice says. Juggernaut turns to see the face of Talulah.

Juggernaut shrugs, not really caring for her much.

"Still the silent one I see. I'll let you go this once." Talulah says. "I have no time for you or your endurance."

As she walks away, Juggernaut questions this. Talulah is not the 'I'll let you go' type, but an order comes through their earpiece.

"We've extracted the Doctor. Get out of there before the Catastrophe hits ." Kal'Tsit orders. "I am not having you get hurt now that we've completed the mission."

The Juggernaut nods, turning around and begins thundering through the streets, getting out just before the Catastrophe hits.

"Good work today Juggernaut." Kal'Tsit says. "You know what's next, right?"

Juggernaut nods, knowing what she's going to say.

"You now have two people to protect."

(WELP. I dunno what to say. I guess I'm doing this for fun, so I'll update it every one or two days. Thanks for reading this.)

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