8. Two Promises...

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"J-Juggernaut..." Doctor Ama stutters. "Are you-"

'I need time for the energy to dissipate or else I will quite literally explode Doctor.'

"Alright. Everyone, protect Juggernaut!" Doctor Ama shouts.



Ch'en readies her sword.

"LGD! Prepare to counterattack!" She shouts.

(Timeskip because I really don't have the patience to write THREE fights.)

"They weren't after us...?" Doctor Ama mutters.

'They were after Skullshatterer's body.' Juggernaut signs. 'I can respect that.'

Back in the mine...

"Lungmen and Rhodes Island will come barging in any moment now." W says, staring at Misha. "I guess the people here are going to die too."

Misha simply ignores the Sarkaz mercenary as she continues on.

"My, oh my, what a dilemma we have. Misha, so many more are going to die for you... What a pity."

"You're really getting on my nerves, W." Misha says coldly. "You won't get anything from me."

"You know, that bunny girl and the walking chunk of steel seem to really care about you." W says, knowing what reaction she'll get. "But that Ch'en lady seems different."

Misha winces at the thought of Juggernaut. She doesn't care about what Amiya said... but Juggernaut seemed so genuine. So truthful.

"She won't show mercy to anyone. Maybe she'll decide to spare your life because she needs you... But you've seen enough in Ursus to know what will happen after that, right?"

Misha says nothing as she stares at the body of her fallen brother.

"If you come with me now, it's not too late. Although... you'd still have to watch all of our Reunion friends sacrifice themselves..." W looks out at the light peeking from the entrance of the mine. "But I suppose that's just their fate though. Such pitiful things."

Misha still doesn't speak, as if imitating Juggernaut's quiet nature.

"Ah, that's right. Even though you saw everything that happened... Y'know, ahh, how do I put this... I really don't have the spare energy to drag Skullshatterer back to Chernobog..."

"Shut up!" Misha snaps.

"I'm just telling the truth." W says with a shrug. "I mean, the situation here is hopeless after all since Juggernaut was able to get rid of all that energy~" She giggles a bit. "Hurry and let me know once you've cleared your head, okay?"

W walks away, leaving Misha alone with the body.

"No..." She mutters. "I swear I'll... bring Skullshatterer back to life. Skullshatterer isn't dead. Skullshatterer cannot die." She grips the mask on Skullshatterer's face. "If he was here, he'd protect us... all of us. I just know... this is what he would've done. Everyone is just like me. We're all infected."

She pulls the mask off, putting it on herself.

"I am also... one of them. Everyone... needs to be protected. This... is Skullshatterer's legacy."

Back with Juggernaut

Juggernaut begins to hear shouts. Shouts of surprise.

"H-How is that possible?!" Amiya stutters.

"Tsk... Is this some kind of trick?" Ch'en replies.

"It's a miracle! It's a miracle!" One of the Reunion members shout.

"Why...?" Amiya mumbles as Juggernaut blocks an explosion with their shield.

'Don't just stand in the line of fire! Move! ' Juggernaut signs.

Juggernaut looks at the far-off approaching figure of Skullshatterer.

"We've been sent a miracle!" One Reunion member cheers.

"Is that you...? It's really you!!" Another shouts.

"...He's fine!! H-he's fine again!" Another exclaims. "Skullshatterer! It's really you! Hooray!!"

"...Could it be...?" Amiya mumbles.

'I'm afraid so.' Juggernaut signs.


"Reunion's morale has been boosted since the reappearance of their leader." Ch'en says. "It'll be more difficult to suppress them now."

'Suppress them? Don't make that mistake Ch'en.' Juggernaut signs.

"Skullshatterer... things are looking dire." A Reunion member says to Skullshatterer. "But at least... you've come back to us. I'm so relieved... I'm so, so glad..."

Skullshatterer looks at the Juggernaut with both anger and acceptance.

"Misha should have made it out of here as well. Now, we can fight without any regrets!"

Skullshatterer turns to the Reunion member.

"...I will stay here and hold them back. You should all go." They say, reading their grenade launchers. "I'll protect you all..."

"What are you saying Skullshatterer... Didn't you promise we'd go back to Ursus together? We still have to teach them a lesson!"

"...Take care of yourselves. Don't die." Skullshatterer says, and turns back to the LGD and Rhodes Island operators.

"Why..." Amiya asks. "Why is this happening..."

'Get out of your head Amiya! This is no time to be thinking about why! They're attacking! '

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