16. Duck Hunt

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As the dust clears, the figure steps forward.

And it's a goose wearing a killer suit, and dual wielding .357 Magnums.


And then they're sent flying as the APC crashes into them.

Over the radio, voices light up.

"Damn Boss! Nice one! " Coral cheers, and Blitzkrieg cuts in.

"We'll be over in a minute. Just-" A thwacking sound and a grunt can be heard over the radio before he speaks again. "-Dealing with some problems."

The Liberi was frozen in place as she saw what Juggernaut did with the vehicle, to say the least, she was displeased.

Not to mention how Moonlight jumped in place out of surprise as soon as Sera destroyed the barrel under her foot, a killing aura around her as the signature feather right above her dome twitched.

"Right, right, let's ram the damn piece of equipment that is keeping us on track and costs triple the amount we would in the black market against the goddamn enemy and some barrels in the harshest of environments there is in Terra..."

Taking a deep breath, Sera hit her cheeks lightly to sober up from that reckless action that just occurred and looked around for the target between all the dust that was slowly settling down. Not taking her long to spot the armed Liberi who tried to escape the scene after having had a taste of high speed steel against his body. 

Becoming stoic yet again, Sera searched around her inner pockets and took out a small disk which was promptly thrown at the duck, the small electronic device injecting itself onto the target and giving him a boost to escape the scene.


As it retreated having thrown those words at them, the female Liberi sighed and looked over at Moonlight while unsheathing her rapier. "Go and check quickly if someone got hurt in this bullshit, specially civilians, then regroup with us." Having said this, the Liberi walked up to the APC and knocked on its frame thrice as she radioed something directly to Juggernaut with her ear piece.

"And you get out of the goddamn APC before I get angry and help me go and clean the mess your team might leave."

At Sera's words, Moonlight put on her mask, grabbing her folded baton from her. Moonlight channeled her arts, the sound of gears and cogs themselves known before the folded baton extended out to its full length.

"I'm on it." Moonlight said back, turning her gaze towards Sera. "Make sure to keep Jugg out of trouble doing that stunt again or else its our paychecks on the line." With that she backed off. Jumping to the rooftops of the buildings, her eyes roamed around, ears listening.

Juggernaut kicks open the APC door, glaring at Sera.

'You let the bastard get away? ' He signs. 'I understand your frustration at me for ramming the little shit with the APC, but with them it's a necessary precaution.'

The radio crackles open once more.

"Hey Sera, Moonlight. It's Hardwire. I need you two to come to me. Blitzkrieg and Coral are on their way to help get that mess cleaned up, but stay where you are."

Sera however gave back an aura and glare that would of taken away anyone's soul. She seemed in a way displeased by what his words stated.

"Get away?" She asked almost in a mocking, sarcastic undertone ignoring the radio message that came through to them right now as she was already on what was asked to be done. "I never let anyone get away."

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