4. Blue Bun

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Juggernaut woke up early, and began preparations for Lungmen. They were going to meet blue bun again, possibly have their head cut off, but who knows?
After a few hours, Kal'Tsit went ahead to Lungmen first, and they went with the Doctor and Amiya about an hour or so later.

(Time skip. Why? Because I don't remember how they got there.)

Amiya and Doctor looked nervous as we approached an agitated-looking Ch'en. Juggernaut stood behind them, eyes locked on her face.

"You're-" She's stops speaking as she looks up at me. "...late. When you said your bodyguard was huge, I thought you were exaggerating."

"We don't joke around when we talk about their size." Amiya says. "Juggernaut, this is-"

'Superintendent Ch'en. ' Juggernaut signs. 'I need no introduction to her.'

"What's he doing?" Ch'en asks.

"Two things, Madam Ch'en. Please refer to Juggernaut as they and them. Two, they have a speech problem."

"I see. Well then, come along-"

"Hey! Why are you arresting me!?"

"Please sir-"

"I'm not-"

Thump. Thump. Thump. Juggernaut's feet seem to grow louder with each step, as if getting heavier and heavier, stopping at the two. Juggernaut claps the civilian's head between their hands, knocking them out swiftly. Juggernaut points to the LGD unit and then the unconscious civilian. The LGD Agent grabs them, dragging them off before Juggernaut returns to the three.

"Impressive..." Ch'en says. "Come on then. Chief Wei is waiting."

The three follow Ch'en as Amiya whispers to Juggernaut and the Doctor.

"Madam Ch'en is really tough... She's stricter than I imagined." Amiya whispers. Doctor Ama nods, but Juggernaut chuckles silently.

'If only you knew.' Juggernaut signs.

The four enter a tall building, and go up to the Chief's office.

"Please wait here." Ch'en says.

As Doctor Ama and Amiya chat, Juggernaut just watches the door, wishing they still had their voice.

Ch'en steps out, and looks at the three.

"Come in."

They step in as Kal'Tsit and Wei Yenwu are talking.

"Ah, Juggernaut. Good to see you've arrived." Kal'Tsit says. Wei's eyes shift to Juggernaut, and widen for a split second before his face switches back to that calm yet smug look.

"Ahem. Chief Wei, the other two representatives of Rhodes Island and their bodyguard have arrived."

"Juggernaut. What an interesting name." Wei says. "Familiar as well."

'Enough chat. We are here to talk about Lungmen, not me.' Juggernaut signs, their glare only noticed by Wei.

"Juggernaut is right. Let us begin, shall we?"

The situation is explained, problems are brought up, and plans are made. After all this, Wei asks for Juggernaut to stay back and speak with him and Ch'en for a moment. 

Ignoring the glare and silent protests from Kal'Tsit, Juggernaut closes the door behind them and stares at Wei.

"It's been some time Purifier." Wei says.

Ch'en looks at Wei with shock, and then back to Juggernaut.

"N-No. I-It can't be you." She stutters.

Juggernaut pulls the helmet off, revealing their face to Ch'en. She does nothing but stare... Until Juggernaut signs a single sentence.

'It's been some time, Blue Bun.' Ch'en tackles into Juggernaut, having a small breakdown as they pat her head.

"I-I thought I'd never s-see you again." She mumbles.

'Your old caretaker would never leave you forever Blue Bun. I told you that when I left.'

Wei stands up.

"Purifier. I wanted to ask your opinion on Rhodes Island."

'They do not lie Wei. I was there at Chernobog. Without action, Lungmen will truly be the next Chernobog.'

"I see. And of their skills?"

'Ch'en's evaluation is correct, though harsh. If you were to put Lungmen's protection into their hands, I would not doubt they would not fail.'

"Interesting. Well then, I will not keep you any longer. Good luck Juggernaut."

Juggernaut turns to leave, only stopping when Ch'en grabs their arm.

"H-Here. My number. Keep in touch, understood?" She says, passing them a small slip of paper. Juggernaut nods, taking the slip and sliding it into their sleeve before patting Ch'en on the head.

'Good luck Blue Bun. I trust you'll do well.' Juggernaut signs, and then leaves, keeping in mind Ch'en before... and what she is now.

'Looks like little Blue Bun isn't so small anymore.'

(*Laughs in french spy* No harem, you bumbling fools! You have been bamboozled! But in all seriousness, I'm glad everyone is enjoying this. Thanks for the 200 views and 15 votes, it means a ton to me.)

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