7. The Rage of Two Protectors

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In the mineshaft

"Promise... you'll come back..." Misha says. "Just when I finally found you again..."

"Yeah. I'll come back for you." Skullshatterer replies, staring at Misha. "Then, we'll go home together..."

Skullshatterer leaves the mine, and meets up with W.

"So, you need my help after all." W says.

"The enemy is far stronger than we expected. They brought the Titan of the North."

"You remember what I told you? We can turn the tables if we take out that target. Doctor Ama."

"So you did pay attention. We get rid of her and then it's easy."

"But the Titan of the North-"

"I will draw them away. You have one chance. You mess this up and that thing will break both of us in half like a twig."

"...I know. Keep her safe."


Back with Juggernaut

Juggernaut stomps through the sand and rock, approaching the higher up areas and pushing through the ruins.

"Hey Juggernaut~" W says, stepping out from behind them.

'You again.' Juggernaut signs.

"Yeah, it's me. What are you up to now?"

'W, the next words you speak better be good or else-'

"The bomb is underneath her."

Juggernaut freezes as an explosion goes off.

'I never liked you.'

"Aw, now that's just rude." She says as Juggernaut barrels back towards the Doctor, seeing everyone blasted away and Skullshatterer rushing at the Doctor.

"I've got you-" Skullshatterer is cut off by Juggernaut slamming into them, sending them flying.

'Shut up Alex.' Juggernaut signs, causing Skullshatterer to freeze.

"How do you...?"

'I was forced to watch Alex. Watch your life get taken away. You think your mother wanted you to become this? '

"You don't know her!" Skullshatterer shouts, firing explosives at Juggernaut.

'I won't hurt you.' Juggernaut signs, unaffected by the explosives pushing forward, getting closer by the second. Skullshatterer stops firing, and chuckles.

"Big and as dumb as a boulder." He mutters, detonating the C4 under Juggernaut. 

"No!" Amiya screams. Skullshatterer walks over, planting a foot on Juggernaut's body.

"And now-"

'You think a bomb. A bomb, can hurt me? ' Skullshatterer is knocked back as an intense heat begins to rise from Juggernaut. 'You might need a lesson on explosives then. Thermal energy can be converted to kinetic energy, and the other way around. My armor absorbs that cycle. And once it hits the limit?'

Amiya's eyes brighten as the burning figure of Juggernaut stands up, fire quite literally bursting out of sections of their armor.

'Then it burns at such a degree that even liquid nitrogen couldn't put it out.'

"What... what are you?"

'I, am Purifier. The Immolator. Come at me and I'll set the world on fire.'

The two clash with rage. Both fighting to protect someone. Both fighting to protect something. Yet they both know only one can come out alive.

Juggernaut slams their fists into the earth, sending a massive wave of fiery explosions at Skullshatterer, who responds by firing their explosives at Juggernaut who brushes them off without stopping. It's as if two bombs were dancing across the battlefield. Neither side moves, for fear of being in the crossfire of the two.

Juggernaut sweeps their arm, smashing it into Skullshatterer's chest before throwing them upwards and slamming them into the earth.

"So... strong..." Skullshatterer coughs as Juggernaut's fires fade away.

'I'm sorry Alex. I never like to hurt others.'

"I... could tell... you held back..."

'Yes. I did.'

"I believe... you... but Misha..."

'I know. I wish there was a different path for us to take.'

"Please... protect her..."

'That Alex... is something I will gladly do.'

Skullshatterer looks into Juggernaut's visor... seeing a smile underneath all that armor.

"I wish... I got to go home with... with her..."

'I will promise you this. If it ends with blood... I will return you both to your home.'

Skullshatterer nods one last time, and the life leaves his body. Juggernaut lays the body down, walking away as the Reunion forces stare in shock.

And so does Misha, with tears in her eyes.

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